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Tag: FairVote

Latest ranked-choice voting bill fails on House floor

The latest iteration of ranked-choice voting legislation -- that’s been exclusively pushed by DFLers at the Capitol in recent years -- failed in the final...

House Dems scale back (again) a ranked-choice voting bill, then advance...

Jeanne Massey won’t give up her well-funded push to make Minnesota a ranked-choice voting state, even if it means the DFL legislators she’s partnering with continue to whittle...

Ranked-choice voting push continues at Capitol

A pair of DFL lawmakers who fell short last year of gaining enough support in the legislature to turn Minnesota into a ranked-choice voting state aren’t giving...

Minnetonka woman leads grassroots effort to repeal ranked choice voting

A city in the west metro Twin Cities has become ground zero in a larger battle waged by well-funded progressive activists to turn Minnesota into a...

DFL raises white flag on statewide ranked choice voting push this...

A well-funded push to make Minnesota a ranked choice voting state appears to have run out of steam — at least this session at the...

Ranked choice voting push bankrolled by former Enron executive in Texas

(Center of the American Experiment) — As ranked-choice voting (RCV) races ahead in Minnesota, we pause to Follow the MoneyTM. The bill to implement RCV...

DFLer carrying ranked choice voting bill ‘confident’ he’ll get GOP support,...

A Democrat lawmaker carrying a bill that would make Minnesota only the third state in the nation to adopt statewide ranked choice voting in its elections said...