Tag: healthcare
Healthcare Expert Richard Baker Will Speak About Danger of Single-Payer Healthcare...
A leading nonprofit focusing on healthcare "Citizens' Council for Health Freedom" will have a leading voice on the topic of single-payer healthcare system Richard...
Minnesota Republican Lawmakers Aim to Ask Congress to Put Liability Back...
In 1986, the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) was signed into law. NVICP protects vaccine manufacturers by placing a tax on vaccine users...
Minnesota Medical Patients Tax Set to Expire in 2020, Unless Renewed
The end may be near for an onerous tax launched with the stated intention to add a two-percent charge onto the fees of medical...
Why Do Democrats Want to Tax Sick and Injured Patients?
Should you be taxed if you get sick? Democrats say yes. Republicans say no. Minnesota’s Republican leadership wants the 2 percent MinnesotaCare provider tax...
Gil Gutknecht: Losing Access? Get a Grip.
It will cripple American medical innovation? Seniors would lose access to modern, lifesaving drugs? Those are a couple of the dire warnings being advanced...
Twila Brase: Will Trump Give Americans the Freedom to Opt-Out...
Medicare is failing.
The recent Medicare Trustees report warns Congress that the hospitalization part of the “Medicare Trust Fund” (which exists only on paper)...
New Fees On Medication Could Raise Cost Of Healthcare In Minnesota
The House bill, HF 400, establishes an opioid stewardship fund and an Opioid Addiction Advisory Council. However, the most controversial aspect of this bill...
Parental Rights Rally Attracts Thousands in Opposition of Compulsory Vaccination Bill
SF 1520, authored by Senator Chris Eaton (DFL- Brooklyn Center), removes language in Minnesota law that allows parents to have conscientious objections to vaccinating...
Minnesota Senate Republicans Establish “Patients First” Healthcare Reform
Minnesota Republicans are offering new healthcare reforms as a way of awarding power back to patients, giving them more of a say in their...
Why Are Republicans Silent on Obamacare Ruling?
Republicans have pushed the mute button. On Friday evening, U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor in Texas ruled the Affordable Care Act (ACA) invalid (which it’s always...