Protesters to Westboro Baptist Church: “Love Trumps Hate”
MAPLE GROVE, Minn. — “Love trumps hate,” was the message counter-protesters sent to members of Westboro Baptist Church in Maple Grove Wednesday afternoon.
Minnesota Lawsuit Put on Hold
Virginia, MN -- A federal lawsuit involving the Virginia school district has been suspended until the United States Supreme Court issues a ruling on...
UPDATED: Somali Muslims Harassing Gay Man Resurfaces (Video)
CORRECTION: A previous version of this story made it appear that the video happened within the last three days. Alpha News has noted its error...
Minnesota GOP Introduce Legislation Limiting Bathroom/Locker Room Use to Biological Sex...
The "Individual’s Right to Privacy and Safety in Public Accommodations Act" seeks to define a person's gender by biological sex at birth as a means to determine which restroom, locker-room, etc. facility a person may use.
School’s Anti-Bullying & Gender Identity Policies Clash With Concerned Parents
Is Nova Classical Academy embroiled in controversy over a five-year old boy's decision to wear a dress to school or is the controversy about the school's decision to change to a radical gender inclusion policy?