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More than 3,500 minors underwent transgender surgery in 5 years, study...

(The Daily Signal) — Transgender advocates repeatedly claim that minors only take “puberty-blocking” drugs or cross-sex hormones, but never undergo surgeries in an attempt to force...

Little support among voters for transgender medical procedures on children

(The Center Square) -- Few voters think children should undergo transgender interventions even with parental permission. That's according to The Center Square Voters' Voice Poll...

Osseo schools plan to fly LGBT pride flags ‘indefinitely’

Osseo Area Schools appears to have approved a proposal to fly an LGBT “pride” flag at all district buildings “indefinitely,” according to an audio...

Target’s sales crumble for first time in years amid backlash over...

(Daily Caller News Foundation) -- Target reported Wednesday that it was lowering its sales and profit expectations for the rest of the year, with...

Shareholder sues Target over ‘billions’ lost after Pride campaign backlash

(Daily Caller News Foundation) -- America First Legal (AFL), a legal activist group, sued Target Corporation and its board of directors on behalf of...

‘Barbaric pseudoscience’: Detransitioner makes powerful plea to end child ‘sex changes’

(LifeSiteNews) — The formerly gender-confused, now outspoken “detransitioner” Chloe Cole made a powerful plea before lawmakers to stop the “barbaric” sex “transitions” of children. Cole shared before...

Letter signed by 20 Minnesota pastors calls on Gov. Walz to...

A group of 20 local pastors signed a letter to Gov. Tim Walz written by Marshall, Minn., Pastor John Tramm, who called on the...

Detransitioner accuses doctors of ‘medical malpractice’ in new lawsuit

(The Daily Signal) — Another female detransitioner is suing the doctors who facilitated her attempted gender transition when she was a vulnerable teenager, accusing them of...

Dem governors join LGBT activist group’s pledge on schools, youth

(Daily Caller News Foundation) -- Democratic governors from 11 states signed a support pledge for LGBT youth created by GLSEN, an activist group that...

Riley Gaines speaks to sold-out Minnesota crowd

NCAA All-American swimmer and leading defender of women’s sports Riley Gaines spoke to a sold-out crowd of Minnesotans Thursday night in Golden Valley. “I got...