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Tag: Obamacare

Biden’s plan to subsidize illegal immigrants’ health care will add billions...

(Daily Caller News Foundation) -- The Biden administration’s plan to open Obamacare enrollment to DACA recipients will add billions to the national deficit, a...

The Healthy Skeptic: The concentration of health care spending in the...

There are several ways to look at the distribution of health care spending in the United States — for example, by payment type, by...

SCOTUS rejects challenge to Obamacare

(Daily Caller News Foundation) — The Supreme Court slammed Texas and other Republican-led states’ attempts on Thursday to take down Obamacare. The 18 Republican states challenged whether...

Why Are Republicans Silent on Obamacare Ruling?

Republicans have pushed the mute button. On Friday evening, U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor in Texas ruled the Affordable Care Act (ACA) invalid (which it’s always...

Twila Brase & “Big Brother In The Exam Room:” The Alpha...

Twila Brase co-founded the Citizens Council for Health Freedom in 1998. Since that time, Brase and her organization have become nationally recognized as leaders...

MN Senators Attack GOP Attempt at Health Care Reform

WASHINGTON - As Senate Republicans attempt to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA), Senate Democrats are desperate to save former President Barack...

Vote Breakdown for Minnesota US Representatives on Obamacare Repeal

WASHINGTON- On Thursday, the House of Representatives voted to repeal and replace the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, known colloquially as Obamacare, with...

Peterson Talks Healthcare During Easter Break

MOORHEAD, Minn. -- As lawmakers in Washington kick-off their Easter break, Rep. Collin Peterson hosted a town hall on healthcare in Moorhead, according to...

State of the Union Brings a Future of Hope and Division...

WASHINGTON D.C. -- President Donald Trump spoke before both chambers of Congress as he gave his first State of the Union. The State of...

Health Care Relief Bill Provides Cash and Competition

St. Paul, MN -- Health care relief for Minnesotans is on its way. On Thursday, the House and Senate passed health care relief for...