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Tag: Pat Garofalo

Retirements, end of session chaos, could add up to another big...

When Dean Urdahl rose to speak on Monday on the floor of the Minnesota House of Representatives, he only half-kidded when he said, “one more...

New DPS hire once told lawmakers Line 3 approval would be...

The new "Tribal Relations Director" for the Minnesota Department of Public Safety (DPS) once told the Minnesota Legislature that the state would be "met...

Retirements stack up ahead of legislative session, 2024 election

It’s a bonding year at the Minnesota Capitol, but the DFL-controlled House and Senate will push a number of pet projects the Democratic “trifecta” is...

Electoral College is outdated, time for national popular vote is now,...

A long-debated political topic, “Is the Electoral College as a method of electing a president outdated?” has reared its head at the Minnesota Legislature. DFLers...

Two Republicans join DFL in ‘taking the pledge’ to wear masks

During a House virtual press conference Monday, Reps. Pat Garofalo and Nolan West, both Republicans, joined several DFL representatives in pledging to wear a...

Minnesota State Legislators: Goalposts Of COVID-19 Response Have Moved

A pair of Republican Minnesota Legislators seem worried that the state has abandoned its initial objectives in the fight against COVID-19. Governor Tim Walz announced...

Enbridge Line 3 Pipeline Opponent Threatens Violence If Project Proceeds

ST. PAUL, Minn. - A legislative hearing for Enbridge Energy’s Line 3 oil pipeline turned heated when an environmental lobbyist threatened violence if the...

Sports and Politics Mix as NFL Faces National Anthem Protest

ST. PAUL, Minn. -- Sundays are seen as a relatively peaceful day, where families dedicate their day to family, religion, or the NFL. However, controversy...

MN350 Calls on MN Governor to Join the Rebel Alliance

ST. PAUL, Minn. -- The resistance movement has made its way to the governor’s mansion on Summit Avenue. On Monday afternoon, about 40 people rallied...

State Senator Defends Sales Tax Hike in Excelsior

ST. PAUL, Minn. - Republican Sen. David Osmek of Mound is defending his legislation to increase the sales tax in Excelsior, Minnesota. Osmek’s bill, sponsored...