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Tag: Tim Walz

Prosecutors can investigate ‘threatened violations’ under Walz’s new executive order 

A recent executive order from Gov. Tim Walz provides state and local prosecutors with the authority to investigate “threatened violations” of the governor’s COVID-19...

DFL House rejects bill to reform peacetime emergency laws 

Republicans didn’t attempt to revoke Gov. Tim Walz’s COVID-19 emergency powers during Thursday’s special session, but they did introduce a bill to reform peacetime...

GOP senators object to Walz’s plan to use disaster relief fund...

Several Republican lawmakers are pushing back after Gov. Tim Walz said he plans to use the state’s disaster relief fund to help rebuild some...

‘You can’t sit on the sidelines’: Action4Liberty president reacts to new...

Gov. Tim Walz’s actions during the COVID-19 pandemic fit the dictionary definition of a dictatorship, Action4Liberty President Jake Duesenberg said Wednesday. “If you look up...

Dance while ‘seated in chairs’ to slow the spread, health officials...

A new guidance from the Minnesota Department of Health strongly discourages the custom of dancing during weddings or other “significant life events” to help...

Republicans hammer Walz over new COVID-19 restrictions 

State Republicans had some harsh words for Gov. Tim Walz following his announcement of new restrictions on bars and restaurants Tuesday afternoon. The governor ordered...

Walz prohibits private gatherings of more than 10 people 

Gov. Tim Walz announced new restrictions on bars and restaurants as well as private gatherings during a statewide address Tuesday. “We need to move now....

Gov. Walz calls sixth special session for Thursday

(The Center Square) – Gov. Tim Walz on Monday said he will convene the sixth special session of the Minnesota Legislature on Thursday. “Amid climbing...

Hundreds of Minneapolis residents celebrated projected Biden victory amid record new...

Hundreds of Minneapolis residents, if not thousands, took to the streets this weekend amid record new COVID-19 cases to celebrate Joe Biden’s projected election...