Trump announces he will sign ‘Born Alive Executive Order’

“I will always protect the vital role of religion and prayer in American society, and I will always defend the sacred right to life.”

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President Donald Trump announced Tuesday that he intends to sign the Born Alive Executive Order to protect babies born alive after failed abortions.

The president spoke Tuesday morning at the virtual National Catholic Prayer Breakfast where he said Catholics are “amazing people, great, great people,” and thanked religious Americans for their prayers for him and his wife. He also said that he will safeguard “the eternal truth that every child, born and unborn, is made in the image of God.”

“I will always protect the vital role of religion and prayer in American society, and I will always defend the sacred right to life,” Trump said. “Today I am announcing that I will be signing the Born Alive Executive Order to ensure that all precious babies born alive, no matter their circumstances, receive the medical care that they deserve.”

“This is our sacrosanct moral duty,” he added. “We are also increasing federal funding for the neonatal research to ensure that every child has the very best chance to thrive and grow.”

March for Life President Jeanne Mancini praised the president’s announcement in a Tuesday statement to the Daily Caller News Foundation.

“These steps had to be taken because some Democrats in the Senate promised to block legislation that mandates basic medical care for children who survive an abortion – an extremist view shared by vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris,” she said.

“While any abortion is one too many, the reality is that Americans overwhelmingly want to see greater protections for the most vulnerable,” she continued. “These protections are a strong step in the right direction and the Senate should move quickly to codify the President’s Executive Order and pass Sen. Ben Sasse’s, R-NE, Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act.”

Trump’s words came ahead of his Saturday announcement of his Supreme Court nominee. Trump will reportedly choose between federal judges Amy Coney Barrett and Barbara Lagoa. The president reportedly favors Barrett, a mother of seven who has sparked liberal anxieties through her Catholic faith and pro-life stances.

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This article was republished with permission from the Daily Caller News Foundation


Mary Margaret Olohan
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Mary Margaret Olohan is a reporter for The Daily Signal.