Users say Facebook removed their posts promoting Alpha News documentary

The film will be released for free Thursday on the Alpha News Rumble channel.

Director Dr. JC Chaix on the set of the new Alpha News documentary with Liz Collin. (Alpha News)

Some Facebook users are accusing the tech company of taking down their posts promoting Liz Collin’s upcoming documentary, “The Fall of Minneapolis.”

The film will be released for free Thursday on the Alpha News Rumble channel. Follow our channel here.

Alpha News released the trailer for the movie in August. However, just a few days ago, some Facebook users said the company removed their posts promoting the trailer.

In one case, Peggy Tierney’s account was flagged after Facebook said “it looks like you tried to get likes, follows, shares or video views in a misleading way.”

In another post, Dustin Reichert said, “Yup, FB took down my post with the trailer link for Liz Collin’s new documentary. Good grief they are at it again,” he wrote.

Facebook has come under fire in the past for censorship on several topics including COVID-19 and the vaccine.

“We completely expected this to happen and that’s part of the problem this very project points to,” Collin said.

“People need to realize how messages are being manipulated and they should question what they aren’t being told and why,” she added.

On Facebook, Tierney, like many others, said this just makes her want to watch the movie more.

“That tells me they really don’t want you to watch it. It must be really good,” she wrote.


Alpha News Staff