Farmer who sued Biden: Government thinks racism is ‘acceptable’

"We can't have a government picking and choosing who they are going to give any program to based solely on the color of their skin," Adam Faust said.

Wisconsin farmer Adam Faust, a plaintiff in a lawsuit filed against the Biden administration. (Photo courtesy of The Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty)

A disabled farmer sued President Joe Biden’s administration over “socially disadvantaged” farmers, meaning farmers who are not white, being favored in the COVID-19 relief bill.

Adam Faust, a dairy farmer from Wisconsin who is part of a lawsuit against Biden, appeared with his lawyer on “Tucker Carlson Tonight” last week to raise awareness of the fact that the government is now promoting racism as acceptable with its coronavirus relief package.

The lawsuit, filed on behalf of farmers in Minnesota, Wisconsin, South Dakota, and Ohio, argues that the farm loan forgiveness program included in the American Rescue Plan discriminates based on race, as it gives relief only to farmers of color.

The debt relief is available to “socially disadvantaged” farmers and ranchers; socially disadvantaged “includes explicit racial classifications,” the Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty (WILL), who filed the suit, said in a statement.

Faust noted that racism is wrong, and it’s taught to be wrong; but with this relief package, the government is saying that it can elect to give money to anyone based on their skin color.

“Racism against anybody is wrong, and we can’t have a government picking and choosing who they are going to give any program to based solely on the color of their skin,” Faust said.

“Everything that we have all learned growing up is racism is wrong, and now, all of a sudden, the federal government seems to think that racism is acceptable in certain ways. And it should never be acceptable,” he added.

Faust’s attorney, Rick Esenberg, remarked that discriminating based on race is illegal and unconstitutional, and the courts have made that clear for years.

“This really disturbing move we have about equity instead of equality of opportunity will not end well,” Esenberg said. “We are all for laws that prohibit discrimination, but those laws have to apply across the board, to people like Adam, as well as to black and Hispanic farmers.”

Four other farmers are plaintiffs in the case: Christopher Baird from Wisconsin, Jonathan Stevens from Minnesota, Jay Slaba from South Dakota, and Joseph Schmitz from Ohio.



Rose Williams
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Rose Williams is an assistant editor for Alpha News.