ALPHA FAITH: Archbishop Fulton Sheen on guilt

Archbishop Fulton Sheen, who was known for his preaching and especially his work on television and radio, gives an in-depth sermon on the effects of guilt.

We at Alpha News think that with renewed attacks on people of faith, it’s good to provide some inspiration from American religious leaders of the past and present.

Archbishop Fulton Sheen, who was known for his preaching and especially his work on television and radio, gives an in-depth sermon on the effects of guilt in the video below. 

Sheen tells us that guilt – an acknowledgment of something we have done wrong – is a product of reason; yet in this age of elevated passions and lowered reason, we as a people have no sense of guilt. If our emotions act against the direction of our reason, then it causes a feeling of guilt, that we have not followed the mandate of reason. Our guilt becomes deeply subconscious now, and without a proper outlet of expressing our wrongdoing, it manifests in harmful ways. 

Sheen ends the homily by emphasizing the dual roles of mercy and misery as walking hand in hand for our salvation. 

To submit a sermon, homily, or lecture for us to feature, please email pbagnpghf@nycunarjfza.pbz


John Lucke
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