Alpha News MN Celebrates One Million Page Views

Young online news outlet has readers throughout the world

Minnetonka, MN – Alpha News MN is celebrating a huge milestone.  In February, the nearly two-year-young online news organization hit One Million page views.  The average monthly readership for Alpha News MN ranges between 60K and 100K.  The Facebook page for Alpha News MN also recently surpassed more than 7,000 likes.

Alpha News MN started in the March of 2015 and reports primarily on Minnesota political news stories. In October 2015, Alpha News made national headlines by breaking the story on the University of Minnesota purchasing fetal body parts from abortion clinics.  Leading online news outlets like Breitbart and Drudge featured the Alpha News link to this story.

Other notable stories Alpha News MN has covered include Terror in Lake Calhoun where on June 28, 2016, a group of approximately 20-30 Somali males drove into the upscale Linden Hills neighborhood near Lake Calhoun in approximately five cars.  According to police reports, the men questioned a woman at her residence about her knowledge of Sharia Law and told her that it was legal for them to kidnap and rape her.

Another memorable story was Brother Ilhan Omar Legally Married Sends Alpha News an Email.  Ahmed Nur Said Elmi, the man who is believed to be the biological brother and “legal” husband of now Minnesota State Representative Ilhan Omar (DFL-60B) directly corresponded with Alpha News MN reporter Preya Samsundar, denying that he knew Omar, despite overwhelming social media evidence which shows Elmi and Omar in the same photos, and also shows each of them “liking” each other’s social media posts.

Brother Ilhan Omar Legally Married Sends Alpha News an Email
Brother Ilhan Omar Legally Married Sends Alpha News an Email

Although Alpha News MN reports predominantly on Minnesota news, readership for the online news outlet spans across the globe.  According to analytics, Alpha News has readers in all major continents throughout the world and has a large following throughout all the United States.

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