Biden posts lowest approval ratings of presidency; here’s why

Constant drama hasn’t gone unnoticed by the independent voter.

President Joe Biden prepares to board Marine One on the South Lawn of the White House, Friday, June 25. (White House/Flickr)

The week ending Aug. 6 marked the first time three consecutive polls from the RealClearPolitics survey showed President Joe Biden below 50 percent approval.

Polls can be a snapshot in time, but one reason Biden was elected was his promise of a “return to normalcy” and a summer of freedom. His campaign promised to turn the corner on COVID and the economy, but the economic outlook is mixed at best due to inflation, and COVID fearmongering is back. A terrifying “new normal” has instead set in.

Constant drama hasn’t gone unnoticed by the independent voter. Their views of Biden’s handling of COVID and the economy have sunk. Instead of acknowledging or standing up to the lunatic left, the White House goes to war with Republican governors, Fox News and even CDC messaging.

Considering a worsening border crisis, record crime in major cities, and foreign policy blunders, Americans understandably connect the dots. Optimism about the country’s direction has dropped 20 points in recent months.

The border fiasco is undeniably the Biden administration’s making. Thousands of illegal immigrants are carrying the coronavirus, and the federal government is permitting the influx.

“This isn’t a ‘GOP talking point,’ nor a gotcha to point out some hypocrisy,” a Republican fundraiser told Alpha News Friday. “The government is alarming us about COVID while shrugging as tens of thousands of infectious illegal migrants walk into the country and spread the virus. The more our partisan media ignores the crisis and the associated COVID infections, the more they’ll lose readers to outlets actually covering this. And we know our media values clicks.”

Doesn’t the White House realize its virus panicking isn’t advancing its goals, but rather destroying its approval ratings?

“Every variant on this planet — some we don’t even know about — are absolutely coming into our country that way,” Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said last week. “He (Biden) is lecturing people about imposing COVID restrictions and lockdowns and not only doing nothing to stop the border surge but actually facilitating it … he just loses all credibility when it comes to COVID.”

As to other areas of credibility, while a CNN analysis actually praised Biden for knowingly violating the constitution for short-term gain last week on the eviction moratorium, even left-leaning outlets say the move is lawless and will backfire.

Democrats will face an electoral shellacking in 15 months, not due to historic trends or bigotry but a disastrous time governing. And two years later for president, their prospects look grim, too. With Biden at 82, Kamala Harris ineffectual and detested more than any vice president in generations, and Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s career over, to whom will they turn? Ron Klain and Amy Klobuchar?


A.J. Kaufman
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A.J. Kaufman is an Alpha News columnist. His work has appeared in the Baltimore Sun, Florida Sun-Sentinel, Indianapolis Star, Israel National News, Orange County Register, St. Cloud Times, Star-Tribune, and across AIM Media Midwest and the Internet. Kaufman previously worked as a school teacher and military historian.