MN vs We the People
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State legislator asks University of Minnesota sharp questions on fetal tissue...

More questions than answers from the University of Minnesota and their fetal tissue research program.

University Students Demanding an Investigation into The U’s Fetal Tissue Research

Students are calling for President Kaler to clarify that the University's fetal tissue research is not coming from aborted fetuses. A counter-protest ensued.

University of Minnesota hosts Washington D.C. event to honor Mondale

An A-list of Minnesota Democrats and University of Minneosta faculty celebrated the legacy of former Vice President Walter Mondale in Washington D.C. yesterday.

Rochester School District goes after local Tea Party

It's getting heated in Rochester, where local spending increases could give homeowners a nearly 9% property tax hike. Now the school district has an attorney at taxpayer expense.

$1.8 billion in new school capital spending levies on the ballot...

School spending projects from building renovations to house PreK to performing arts centers are on the ballot. Voting patterns show that most of the spending will be approved by the voters, but did they know the state is already kicking in more money for school facilities?

CAIR Shakedown: Install bidet and foot washing station at Columbia Heights...

There was a dramatic ending earlier this week to a month of protests in the Columbia Heights school district. Will the district meet the request of the exiting school board member to accommodate Muslim students? It would be the first K-12 public school to make such a change.

Minnesota well-represented at White Privilege conference

A 5-day conference on "Courageous Conversations" about race is underway in Baltimore, and Minnesota schools have sent dozens of educators and administrators to the meeting.


The possible sale of fetal tissue has created controversy since July, when an organization called The Center for Medical Progress (CMP) started releasing undercover videos...

BLOG: Getting High-Schoolers Pre-Registered to Vote

A Republican is leading the charge at the Capitol to change the law to allow 17-year-olds to register to vote.