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Democrat Governor Tim Walz expects the legislature to propose a gas...

While Minnesota residents narrowly escaped a large gas tax increase in 2019, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz is not ready to give up. While appearing on...

Gun Rights Prevail Over Legislative Challenges

The extended Minnesota legislative session ended on May 25 after hitting a frenzied crescendo that challenged legislators to face a multifaceted omnibus bill in...

Lawsuit Filed Aims to Overturn Laws That Discourage Minnesota Abortions

This lawsuit targets laws such as a 24-hour waiting period before an abortion, a mandate for parental notification for women under the age of...

New Program Would Allocate $900,000 Annually to Pay Minnesota Homeowners Who...

Governor Walz already sent out an executive order earlier this session that aims to restore the “Healthy, Diverse Pollinator Populations that Sustain and Enhance...

The world has moved on, Trump’s Lunch with the Queen should...

As President Trump participates in his state visit to the United Kingdom, he’s visiting a country that’s even more closely aligned with his political...

Former Minneapolis Public School Staffer Found Guilty of Sexual Assault following...

WARNING: This report contains graphic details that may be upsetting to some A former Minneapolis Public Schools employee is facing the prospect of more than...

President of the Minneapolis Planning Commission wrote that we must give...

Sam Rockwell wrote an op-ed in the Star Tribune titled "To save the planet, we have to over car" the subtitle of the op-ed...

City of Minneapolis Segregates Employees by Race in Upcoming ‘sacred conversations’

The city of Minneapolis’ Division of Race and Equity is leading this set of events to commemorate the “400 Year… of Africans being brought...

Gil Gutknecht: A Modern Day Pickett’s Charge

General Robert E. Lee was up before dawn on the fateful morning of July 3, 1863. Over a “meager” breakfast, he discussed his plan...

Alyssa Ahlgren: Don’t Fall for the Democrats’ Empathy Trap

According to the mainstream narrative, what separates Republicans from Democrats, the right from the left, is empathy. Expanding welfare, free college, Medicare for all...