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Ilhan Omar Takes a Trip Home to Somalia

Minneapolis, MN -- MN Legislator taking on policy role in birth country less than a month before taking office in St. Paul Representative-elect Ilhan Omar...

Klobuchar Makes Decision about Governor Bid

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) has announced that she will not run for Governor in 2018. Instead, she will be seeking a...

MN Congressman Creates Judicial Selection Committee

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Republican Congressman Erik Paulsen (MN-3) has created a judicial selection committee to vet potential candidates for President-elect Donald Trump. The candidates...

MN Congressman Cancels Speech At Radical Islamist Convention

Minneapolis, MN - Minnesota Congressman Keith Ellison cancelled plans to speak this week at the annual meeting for the Muslim American Society-Islamic Circle of...

Minnesota Lawsuit Put on Hold

Virginia, MN -- A federal lawsuit involving the Virginia school district has been suspended until the United States Supreme Court issues a ruling on...

New Year, New Laws

Ring in 2017 With New Laws St. Paul, MN - With the new year comes a handful of new laws passed during the 2016 legislative...

Meet the 16 People Who Will Decide Minnesota Legislators Salaries

The Legislative Salary Council Has Been Announced St. Paul, MN - Governor Mark Dayton and Chief Justice Lorie Gildea have decided who will be on...

Real ID Still a Problem for Minnesota

The Minnesota legislature has yet to comply with federal Real ID security standards for driver's’ licenses, reports MPR. State Sen. Warren Limmer (R-34) played...

Southwest Light Rail Project Gets Green Light

Final Design Phase Can Now Begin St. Paul, MN - The Federal Transit Administration gave engineers the green light on Wednesday to start the final...

Ellison Says Ohio’s 20 Week Abortion Restriction is “Awful”

Minneapolis, MN - Democratic Minnesota Congressman Keith Ellison (MN-CD5) took to Twitter earlier this week to criticize Ohio Governor John Kasich (R) for signing a...