Key witnesses in the Derek Chauvin trial have received over $750,000 in donations to aid their emotional healing.
Thirty-eight witnesses were called forth to testify when former Minneapolis police officer Derik Chauvin was on trial for killing George Floyd. Five of the witnesses whose testimonies seem to have played an outsized role in Chauvin’s murder and manslaughter convictions are now the beneficiaries of public gratitude campaigns that have already raised about $754,000 and stand to make up to $1.6 million.
Darnella Frazier
Frazier recorded the most distributed video that shows Chauvin kneeling atop Floyd.
“White folks: You woke now? Stay woke. You mad? Stay mad. You care about Black Lives? Well we finna care about Darnella, too,” reads a fundraising campaign that has raised about $695,000 for Frazier via GoFundMe. It is also probable that she has received more money via the The Darnella Frazier Gift Trust, which has solicited donations wired directly to a St. Paul bank.
The money raised is supposed to commend Frazier for her “unbelievable courage” and help her “deal with trolls, bullies and ignorant people harassing her online,” per the GoFundMe. The largest donation she received via the page is $10,000, although the average contribution is about $30.

If the fundraising goals for Frazier are met, she will receive $1 million.
Donald Williams II
Williams, an MMA fighter, told the court that he observed Chauvin using a “blood choke” on Floyd, which led to his death.

He has now organized a fundraiser for himself via GoFundMe requesting half a million dollars. Thus far, he has raised about $16,000.
His role in the trial was controversial to some as he appeared to wear a political shirt under his dress attire.
Williams has also uploaded pictures of himself alongside gun-toting members of the Black Panthers to his now-private Facebook page. This same page promotes a conspiracy theory that “Donald Trumps [sic] ‘White Amerikka #THUGS'” were sent to destroy Minneapolis during the George Floyd riots.
Judeah Reynolds
Reynolds is a 10-year-old girl who testified in the Chauvin trial and witnessed Floyd’s death.
A fundraiser has been constructed in her benefit via FundRazr, accruing about $21,000 in donations — roughly 85% of the $25,000 goal. The campaign has been running for nearly a year after it was created on June 30.
Christopher Martin
Martin was the clerk at the store where Floyd reportedly tried to pass a counterfeit bill, initiating his interaction with the Minneapolis Police Department.
A GoFundMe page has been created on his behalf, raising $14,000 of its $20,000 goal. “This money is to commend his bravery and for him to spend in any way he would like,” the page says.

Charles McMillian
McMillian, an eyewitness to Floyd’s death, grabbed headlines after he broke down while providing an emotional testimony during the Chauvin trial.
He has now made a GoFundMe for himself requesting $15,000. He has received about $10,000 thus far, as of publication.

Other individuals related to the trial, reporters and activists have also received donations from the public related to their involvement with the Black Lives Matter movement.
Floyd’s daughter was given about $2.4 million via GoFundMe.
Some white people have even taken to donating money to random black people they encounter as a form of unofficial reparations, according to USA Today.