Predictably putting politics over persuasion or morals, once Justice Samuel Alito’s famous draft decision on Roe v. Wade leaked, Democrats rushed to claim this could save them in November’s midterm elections. (They’ve since added gun rights, but that’s an entirely different column.)
Understandably hoping to change the conversation from the ongoing failures of President Joe Biden, operatives and desperate candidates bellow that Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump’s re-shaping of our Supreme Court suddenly is backfiring.
This is balderdash.
Abortion will not overtake inflation, illegal immigration, or even COVID-19, crime, and foreign affairs as an electoral issue this fall. With inflation at a 40-year high and the national average for a gallon of gas surpassing records daily, families outside the Washington Beltway are struggling.
Even after the early May drama, asked about the single most important issue facing the country, more than half of Americans immediately answered inflation. Not even 5% said abortion. Welcome to another example of insular Democrats taking their cues from the Twitter echo chamber.
Republicans won’t fall for the left’s distractions and distortions. Sure, a few zany politicians in deep red districts may go off message, but nothing as preposterous as the ongoing left-wing hyperbole and lunacy.
Chuck Schumer, the most ineffectual and direction-less party leader in a generation, came up short again two weeks ago, when a vote he hyped as urgent failed because moderate Sens. Susan Collins, Joe Manchin and Lisa Murkowski knew it was a stunt.
Schumer’s ineptitude helped produce mocking headlines from even friendly outlets.
The Senate leader and Biden whine about needing 60 votes for legislation, yet they forgot that in 2017, Republicans passed the largest tax overhaul in decades with only a minuscule majority; this demonstrates how pint-size rule can produce grand results when sentient folks — McConnell, Paul Ryan, and Trump in this instance — lead efforts.
Yet Democrat leaders in large states overrun by crime, failing schools, exorbitant costs of living, and crippling regulations proudly remain tone-deaf.
New York Gov. Kathy Hochul quickly announced that $35 million of taxpayer money will be earmarked for out-of-state abortion seekers, then scribbled a Wall Street Journal editorial begging businesses to relocate to the Empire State because they value “reproductive freedom.”
This unelected woman has seen businesses leave her failed state for tax-friendly places, and yet believes those companies will return, based on radical abortion policies? Once a pro-gun champion, Hochul’s entire political career is a lesson in how to be inconsistent and insufferable. She’s mastered how to tell people what they want to hear instead of the truth.
At a time when voters abhor polarization, Democrats want to alienate the majority of Americans who prefer limitations and are emotionally discomfited in general by abortion.
Meanwhile, persuadable Republicans like Collins and Murkowski are willing to “codify” Roe, yet Schumer won’t even give them a seat at the table. He’s too recalcitrant and intimidated by extremists who’ve already given our country some of the most lenient abortion policies in the free world.
Schumer is no McConnell, and partly because of that, Democrats will continue shedding voters.
A.J. Kaufman
A.J. Kaufman is an Alpha News columnist. His work has appeared in the Baltimore Sun, Florida Sun-Sentinel, Indianapolis Star, Israel National News, Orange County Register, St. Cloud Times, Star-Tribune, and across AIM Media Midwest and the Internet. Kaufman previously worked as a school teacher and military historian.