Commentary: Democrats’ energy policies remain dangerous, naive, and regressive

The Biden administration still won't acknowledge its self-inflicted energy crisis, likely because they are beholden to a wealthy, disconnected eco-cabal. 

President Joe Biden meets with National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan in the Oval Office in October 2021. (White House/Flickr)

When Democrats reclaimed power in Washington 14 months ago, the average price of oil was about $40 a barrel. As of this writing, it is around $110 per barrel. I didn’t major in math but that’s nearly triple.

The war in Ukraine certainly is part of the reason, but President Joe Biden started his own war on American energy long before Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine. Alas, the energy crisis goes back to when Biden began dismantling energy progress on his first day.

Mere hours into office, Biden canceled the vital Keystone Pipeline, then proceeded to slow-walk new leases for oil and gas production. These abrupt and foolhardy switches caused widespread disruption in the domestic oil market, limiting our ability to produce oil and forcing dependence on foreign nations to power America.

The mendacious Biden administration still won’t acknowledge its self-inflicted energy crisis, likely because they are beholden to a wealthy, disconnected eco-cabal.

Regurgitating extreme environmental rhetoric, candidate Biden actually promised to curtail oil and gas production and move toward execrable “Green New Deal” policies that will hurt the working class and developing nations.

Prices on almost everything have soared under Biden’s watch; while he’s had countless opportunities to re-institute successful policies, he refuses.

And as the American people suffer under record gas prices, tone-deaf radicals like Vice President Kamala Harris and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg demand they buy unreliable $60,000 vehicles.

“Just buy an electric car” seems to be the modern version of the smug “let them eat cake” of two centuries ago.

Want solutions?

We can start by replacing inept Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm. Kevin Williamson recently recommended Elon Musk, who “can be three bowls deep and still offer a more coherent analysis of the energy situation than the Biden administration does at its soberest.”

Why not think outside your urban coastal bubble, unlock domestic energy production, and look into our backyard for new energy sources?

Instead of placing a reckless Iran nuclear deal back on the table — with its accompanying pursuit of oil from Middle East autocrats who abhor us — maybe look to Alaska, Louisiana, North Dakota, Texas, West Virginia, and other states prepared to unleash the energy the world needs.

“For the time being, fossil fuels, and oil and gas continue to not only be an important part of what we do here in America, but an important part for our NATO allies as well,” former Democrat Rep. Harold Ford confessed this week on Fox News.

Under the last two Republican presidents, domestic oil production peaked, and 18 months ago, our country was en route to be a net exporter of crude oil for the first time in generations.

And that’s good for the planet, since much of the world currently gets their energy from the globe’s most totalitarian regimes. Without a stable domestic energy supply, we are dependent on foreign oil and cannot prosper.

“Environmentalists are, intentionally or not, in collusion with Putin to undermine America and the West,” Dennis Prager opined in his weekly column, then added, “The environmentalist movement is as interested in protecting the environment as the communist movement was in protecting workers or the defund-the-police movement is in protecting blacks.”

Considering how little the environmental movement benefits anyone but urbane plutocrats, it’s tough to argue with those harsh analogies.


A.J. Kaufman

A.J. Kaufman is an Alpha News columnist. His work has appeared in the Baltimore Sun, Florida Sun-Sentinel, Indianapolis Star, Israel National News, Orange County Register, St. Cloud Times, Star-Tribune, and across AIM Media Midwest and the Internet. Kaufman previously worked as a school teacher and military historian.