Democratic senator wants to ’eminent domain’ pregnancy resource centers in Minnesota

In addition to serving as a Minnesota state senator, Sen. Maye Quade works as a "Special Projects Advisor" for Gender Justice.

Options for Women East in St. Paul, Minn. (Alpha News)

Sen. Erin Maye Quade, D-Apple Valley, one of the most left-wing members of the Minnesota Legislature, wants to use eminent domain on every pregnancy resource center in the state.

“I would love to eminent domain all 98 of these crisis pregnancy centers and turn them into affordable housing for people who do have children,” said Sen. Maye Quade. “I would love to turn them into food banks and diaper banks and formula banks. Like, these are things that actually support people having children when they decide they would like to have children, and everything that crisis pregnancy centers are doing is not that. None of it is that.”

Eminent domain is a process in which the government seizes property without the consent of the owner and uses said property for a “public use,” such as a road or bridge. If utilized, eminent domain requires the government to compensate the property owner for the seizure.

Sen. Maye Quade’s comments were featured on a “Gender Justice” podcast last month. Referring to the centers as “crisis pregnancy centers,” the Apple Valley legislator used the podcast to denounce them as coercive and deceptive.

In reality, pregnancy centers provide a variety of essential services to women, families, and children, born and unborn.

Furthermore, pro-life pregnancy centers such as First Care Pregnancy Center offer free pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, STD testing, adoption services, prenatal classes, parenting education, counseling services, and clothes and diapers for infants. First Care’s multiple locations throughout the state are “equipped with social workers, nurses, and trained staff who provide free pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, pregnancy-related counseling, referrals, resources, and more.”

One of the most pro-abortion members of the Minnesota Legislature, Sen. Maye Quade co-authored legislation last year to legalize abortion through all nine months of pregnancy. Additionally, Democrats in St. Paul defunded the “Positive Alternatives Program,” which helped pregnancy centers provide material support to expecting mothers.

For years, these centers in Minnesota had received state funding.

In addition to serving as a Minnesota state senator, Sen. Maye Quade works as a “Special Projects Advisor” for Gender Justice. A left-wing advocacy group, Gender Justice supports pro-abortion and LGBTQ causes throughout the state. The organization does extensive policy work at the Minnesota State Capitol and recently received a $2 million donation from Amazon founder Jeff Bezos’ ex-wife MacKenzie Scott.

Gender Justice co-wrote a report with other left-wing organizations in 2021 that accused pregnancy resource centers of “using deceptive and coercive tactics and medical disinformation.” Maye Quade was listed as a contributor in the report, which was then used as the basis for a “consumer alert” issued by Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison regarding pregnancy resource centers.


Luke Sprinkel

Luke Sprinkel previously worked as a Legislative Assistant at the Minnesota House of Representatives. He grew up as a Missionary Kid (MK) living in England, Thailand, Tanzania, and the Middle East. Luke graduated from Regent University in 2018.