Despite Cold Weather Thousands Show Up For Minnesota March For Life

"There have been more than 60 million unborn children killed by abortion, and more than 600,000 unborn babies in Minnesota alone," MCCL's Robyn Swiderski told the large crowd of citizens gathered from across the state. "Every single one of those children should have had a chance to live."


Despite freezing cold weather thousands of Minnesotans marched in support of human life.

“There have been more than 60 million unborn children killed by abortion, and more than 600,000 unborn babies in Minnesota alone,” MCCL’s Robyn Swiderski told the large crowd of citizens gathered from across the state. “Every single one of those children should have had a chance to live.”

St. Paul Cathedral hosted a special service that was standing room only before the march.

MCCL released their legislative agenda at the march. The agenda calls on lawmakers to enact legislation ensuring women have the option to view their ultrasound prior to undergoing an abortion. Ultrasound is usually performed before an abortion, but women generally aren’t offered the chance to see. Majority of Democrats including Democrat Governor Tim Walz are opposed to this legislation.

The Republican candidate in the State Senate Special Election Jason Rarick was in attendance and live-streamed his support for the life of children.

Christ-centered pro-family non-profit Minnesota Family Council was in attendance in solidarity and also documented the large passionate crowd

Majority of Republican State Senate was there showing momentum for the pro-life movement

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