Do Democrats have a double standard on #MeToo Allegations? Karen Monahan thinks so.

In a Twitter exchange Monday morning, Monahan said she has been “smeared, threatened, isolated” from her own party after she claimed Ellison had verbally and physically assaulted her.

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Karen Monahan, the woman accusing Rep. Keith Ellison of domestic violence, is calling out Democrats for not believing her #MeToo moment.

In a Twitter exchange Monday morning, Monahan said she has been “smeared, threatened, isolated” from her own party after she claimed Ellison had verbally and physically assaulted her.

The exchange began over a discussion about Christine Blasey Ford, the woman accusing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct during a high school party. Peter Daou, a former advisor to Hillary Clinton and John Kerry, tweeted out his support for Ford, saying that people must “BELIEVE WOMEN.”

Another Twitter user then called Monahan’s attention to the tweet, asking if Democrats believed her.

“No, they don’t,” Monahan said. “I’ve been smeared, threatened, isolated from my own party.”

In subsequent tweets, Monahan claims medical records substantiate her claims, and says other individuals including her therapist and her supervisor at the time have verified her story. Despite this, Monahan says she expected Democrats to turn the other way on her #MeToo movement, implying that they are set on protecting one of their own.

“I expected everything that has taken place, before I decided to break my silence,” Monahan wrote. “I even stated it in my original statement.”

“I have nothing to prove to anyone, I simply shared my story. People can believe it or not. I don’t need anyone to affirm my humanity, I affirmed it,” she added.

Unlike Monahan, Ford, Kavanaugh’s accuser, has received immediate support from Democrats, including Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez.

Following Monahan’s allegations, the DNC waited three days before releasing a statement. In contrast, Perez took to Twitter hours after Ford came forward to air his opinion, saying the allegation “must be investigated thoroughly.”

The DNC originally said they would be investigating the allegations against Ellison. However, according to the Daily Caller, the investigation was later handed off to the Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor (DFL) Party. Last week, former Democratic senate candidate Richard Painter called out DFL Party Chair Ken Martin on the status of the investigation on Twitter. Martin avoided giving an end-date to the investigation, saying “it will be complete soon.”

Christine Bauman
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