Doug Wardlow Endorsed By Leading Small Business Group

Mike Hickey, NFIB's Minnesota state director, said Wardlow was the "overwhelming choice" in a recent poll of NFIB Minnesota members.

ST. PAUL, Minn. – The NFIB, the nation’s leading small business advocacy organization, announced its “enthusiastic endorsement” of Doug Wardlow for Minnesota attorney general.

Wardlow, a Republican, is running against Democrat Keith Ellison to be the state’s top law enforcement officer.

Mike Hickey, NFIB’s Minnesota state director, said Wardlow was the “overwhelming choice” in a recent poll of NFIB Minnesota members. Hickey attributed this to Wardlow’s pledge to keep the office of the attorney general about enforcing laws and fighting crime, not pushing a political agenda.

“The results of the member poll clearly show that small-business owners desire a more traditional attorney general who believes in fighting crime, not in striking political postures on topical issues,” said Hickey, speaking for the PAC. “He will focus on all aspects of the office, including critical criminal prosecutions in rural Minnesota.”

NFIB is the leading advocate for small businesses both at a federal and state level, focusing on “today’s most pressing small business issues, such as taxes, healthcare, and regulations.”

Hickey pointed to Wardlow’s time as a state legislator as reason for small business owners to “have faith in his ability to read them fairly.”

“Doug Wardlow was a very good friend of small business during his time in the Legislature,” Hickey added. “Main Street entrepreneurs have faith in his ability to treat them fairly in any dispute that may arise with the attorney general’s office.”

Wardlow said he is honored to receive the endorsement, reiterating his commitment to “protecting citizens, not advocating for special interest causes.”

“Small businesses are the backbone of Minnesota’s economy. When they succeed, our state succeeds. With me as Attorney General, they can be confident knowing this important office is protecting citizens, not advocating for special interest causes. That will free small business owners to do what they do best: innovate, operate and expand, not fight state bureaucracy.”

With less than two weeks until the election, Wardlow’s campaign has been gaining momentum. A recent Star Tribune/MPR News Minnesota Poll has Wardlow leading Ellison by 7 percentage points, with Wardlow at 43 percent and Ellison at 36 percent. Sixteen percent of voters are undecided. The poll represents a notable shift in Wardlow’s favor — the same poll conducted the month prior had Wardlow trailing by 5 percentage points.

Christine Bauman
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