Education Minnesota Remain Sponsors of Anti-Semitic Women’s March

Education Minnesota remained sponsors of the Women’s March despite the march’s leaders expressing anti-semitic views in recent months.

Education Minnesota

In light of concerns of anti-semitism stemming from the National Women’s March leaders, the annual march still took place around the nation. Tamika Mallory, Women’s March Co-Chair, refused to condemn anti-semitic statements made by affiliates of the march. Linda Sarsour, Women’s March Leader, has also spoken out in support of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel.

While the Democratic National Committee removed its sponsorship from the march due to the anti-semitism, Education Minnesota, remained a sponsor along with Planned Parenthood and the ACLU. The Minnesota Women’s march, an affiliate of the National Women’s March, took place on Jan 19. Education Minnesota tweeted about the pride they have in sponsoring the march, calling it “inspiring.”

Representative Ilhan Omar was the only Minnesota Politician to attend the march. Rep. Omar is no stranger to anti-semitic comments herself and was invited to speak at the Minnesota Women’s march, despite their recent condemnation of those who “those who have engaged in anti-Semitic, anti-woman, and anti-LGBTQ hate speech.” Rep. Omar also openly supports the BDS movement against Israel and has met with open anti-semite Women’s March Leader Linda Sarsour.

Anti-Trump sentiments were expressed by many in attendance. Gwen Spurrier explained how she went into “severe depression” after Trump’s election and how people gather at this event to “say ‘F— you Trump.’” Another attendee, Amy Haslett-Marroquin, said that “It’s disappointing that there’s not more people [at the march].”

The future of the Women’s March remains uncertain, especially when state chapters like Minnesota have growing concerns about the anti-semitic attitudes held by many of the National Women’s march leaders and executives.



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Megan Olson
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Megan Olson is a 2020 graduate of the University of Minnesota with degrees in political science and history. She works in public affairs in addition to serving on the Legislative Advisory Council for School District 196. She is also on the school board for FIT academy, a charter school in Apple Valley.