Gail Macrae is a California nurse turned whistleblower who was fired for refusing to take the COVID-19 shot. She joined Liz Collin this week to discuss what she witnessed while working in health care during the pandemic.
Macrae has worked in hospitals, ICU care, and as a midwife. She worked for Kaiser Permanente Santa Rosa Medical Center in California from 2015 until 2021, when she was fired for refusing to get vaccinated against COVID-19.
As COVID ramped up in the spring of 2020, the media insisted hospitals were overflowing with patients, but that’s not what Macrae saw firsthand.
“They were never full of patients. As a matter of fact, from the onset of COVID, for the whole first year of this pandemic not only was our hospital under capacity, but I was getting canceled,” she said.
Macrae’s position with the hospital was per diem, meaning she could schedule herself when she wanted to work, and the hospital would cancel her shifts when there weren’t enough patients to staff her.
The winter of 2020 was “standard,” Macrae said. The hospital filled up twice, not out of the ordinary for winters. So when she had to tell patients’ families that they weren’t allowed to visit, she felt she was “violating” her ethics and her patients.
The protocol was to give COVID-19 patients remdesivir, an antiviral medication, even when they were a week past symptom onset.
“And we’re seeing no improvement. And as a matter of fact, we’re seeing patients going to multi-organ failures,” Macrae said.
Macrae said she wanted to trust organizations like the CDC and the AMA, but she came to believe that the practices and protocols they were mandating equated to “medical murder.”
“I think that it comes from the combination, it’s the remdesivir, it’s the isolation of the patients. It’s weeks on end with, you know, no access to food and water,” she said. “All of these protocols, the fear mongering, the isolation, the toxic medications — I walked away feeling like I had participated in medical murder.”
Macrae worked as a nurse in June 2021 when the hospital was desperate for more staff, and she noticed during one double shift that the 50 or 60 patients she saw all needed care for a heart attack or stroke. During this period, she also noticed an uptick in “code blue” calls, which means resuscitation or immediate medical help is needed.
“And nine out of 10 times those code blues were to the lower level, down to the clinic, where they were injecting people. And [two of] my colleagues did in fact go into anaphylaxis, after receiving their shots,” Macrae explained.
Macrae said she was told she wasn’t allowed to report what she was seeing. She has been involved in several lawsuits with the intention of standing up for her and other health care workers’ rights. She also launched a project called standfirmnow.org.
“This all comes down to making decisions out of a place of extraordinary love and compassion for the world around me,” Macrae said. Alpha News reached out to Kaiser Permanente for comment but did not hear back.