Four-Term GOP Senator Loses Primary

Senator Sean Nienow

State Senator Sean Nienow (R – 32) is on his way out of legislative service after being defeated by Republican Party-endorsed Mark Koran.  Koran, a local sales manager, won the endorsement over Nienow during a convention back in March.

Mark Koran
Mark Koran

Nienow was first elected in 2002, serving in the Senate until 2007 when he was defeated by DFL candidate Rick Olseen.  Nienow then turned around and took back his seat in the 2010 elections, and was reelected in 2012.

Two years following his last reelection Nienow faced public controversy after declaring Chapter 7 bankruptcy.

Koran defeated Nienow 63.39% – 36.61%.  In 2012, Nienow won the district against Democrat Jeske Noordergraaf with 54.3% of the vote.

Nienow has yet to publicly comment on his defeat.  Subscribe to Alpha News for continued primary results coverage.


Julia Erynn