Jim Schultz: Ellison is a pro-abortion extremist

His refusal to defend our state’s bipartisan abortion laws not only exposes him for the radical that he is, but also stands as a violation of his oath of office.

Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison with U.S. Sen. Tina Smith. (Lorie Shaull/Flickr)

Attorney General Keith Ellison is prioritizing his radical views on abortion over his constitutional duty to defend Minnesota’s bipartisan abortion laws.

Earlier this summer, a Ramsey County judge overturned a series of legal protections that have been on the books in the state for decades.

One of the laws, known as “A Woman’s Right to Know,” requires that a woman seeking an abortion be provided with certain information. The law states that a physician must provide the woman with information pertaining to the health risks of proceeding or not proceeding with the abortion, the availability of medical assistance benefits for the care of the mother before and after birth, and that the father of the unborn baby is legally required to assist in the support of the child.

This law passed the Republican-controlled House of Representatives and the DFL-controlled Senate in 2003 with bipartisan support in each chamber. Sadly, but unsurprisingly, Ellison was among a small group who took an extreme position by voting against these common-sense measures during his time in the state legislature. Ellison of course is backed by organizations supporting abortion on demand.

Unfortunately for Minnesotans, Ellison is currently the chief legal officer of our state. He has a sworn duty to defend the laws passed by the legislature — whether he personally agrees with them or not. However, he has announced he will not pursue an appeal of the judge’s decision. This represents an inexcusable breach of trust of the office he occupies and a failure of his obligation to Minnesotans.

Sadly, the judge’s ruling is partially a result of Ellison’s office’s half-hearted defense of the law because he believes zero restrictions on the practice of abortion is more important than defending Minnesota law.

The contrast between Ellison and me could not be starker. As the Republican-endorsed candidate for attorney general, I can assure you that I would appeal this decision to defend the laws enacted by the legislature, the elected voices of our citizens. And I will always fight against activist judges like this one who mistake their personal policy preferences for what the law requires.

Unlike Ellison, I am 100% pro-life. Pro-life leaders like Congresswoman Michelle Fischbach, Congressman Tom Emmer, and Congressman Pete Stauber have endorsed me to be the Republican nominee for attorney general. The executive director of a large pro-life organization in Minnesota has also endorsed my campaign.

Keith Ellison has failed Minnesotans on multiple fronts. His refusal to defend our state’s bipartisan abortion laws not only exposes him for the radical that he is, but also stands as a violation of his oath of office. I ask for your vote on Aug. 9 in the Republican primary so that I can defeat Keith Ellison in November and end the radicalism and dereliction of duty emanating from the attorney general’s office.


Jim Schultz

Jim Schultz is the President of the Minnesota Private Business Council and was the 2022 Republican nominee for Attorney General.