Kaufman: Peach State pitfall

Rarely have we seen two more insincere nominees than Thomas Jon Ossoff and Raphael Gamaliel Warnock.

AJ Kaufman/Alpha News

Considering the last nine weeks of political theatre, we knew the Georgia U.S. Senate races would be very close. I predicted as much last week while traversing the Peach State.

Sens. Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue had to overcome disingenuous media, three million early votes, a monetary disadvantage, and also incognito Democrats probably responsible for deceitful billboards along highways.

If you oppose socialism and totalitarianism, but value freedom, limited government and peace through strength, you prayed Republican candidates could prevail. The firewall did not hold.

Northwest Georgia, a right-leaning region where Trump campaigned Monday, voted at a lower rate than the rest of the state. The district is now represented by a QAnon politician who may have stifled Republican turnout.

President Donald Trump’s winning message in 2016 was “I’m fighting for you;” in 2020 his message was “I’m unfairly getting screwed?” Overpromising and under delivering remains a hallmark of populism.

Four years ago Republicans controlled the House, Senate and presidency; as Trump leaves office in two weeks, Democrats control all three branches of federal government for the first time since 2010. Barack Obama lost everything too, but it took him eight years.

The Senate Budget Committee could have been chaired by the venerable Lindsey Graham, but now it’ll be an 80-year-old Marxist who’s never had a job, and will push so-called Medicare for All. Get ready for higher taxes, more regulation, and financial markets to react accordingly.

The Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee would have been overseen by fiscal hawk Rand Paul; instead it’s Seattle leftist Patty Murray (who has an even lower American Conservative Union rating than Sanders). Mr. Paul could have kept tabs on D.C.’s worst bureaucracies; government will stay bloated and corrupted under Mrs. Murray.

The Judiciary Committee probably will be led by strident Chicago politician Dick Durbin. How they handle judicial nominees at all levels should be self-evident. Expect 82-year-old Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer to retire.

covered the very troubling agenda of Georgia’s Democrat candidates at length, but since the media wouldn’t, peruse Rabbi Dov Fischer’s destruction of Raphael Warnock last week.

“Warnock hates the people whom Jeremiah Wright hates: Them Jews, Them Whites who support Brexit, Them Whites and Asians and Hispanics and Others who do not line up behind the mendaciously named ‘Black Lives Matter.’ We know from his years of preaching hate against Israel in his Black church, where there were no Jews in the crowd, where Warnock stands on that one. But now that he is running for statewide office, which means needing to reach out to Jewish voters in Georgia and more importantly to Jewish donors in Hollywood and elsewhere outside Georgia, he suddenly has switched his tune and says that he does not really hate Israel all that much, is not really anti-Semitic.”

Jon Ossoff, of course, claims to be Jewish, but can you trust someone who lauds Communist-run media or claims anti-Semites like Warnock are “a great friend to Israel?” The 33-year-old is akin to the repellent Vermont socialist, who happily campaigns with Jew haters Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib.

Aside from his nefarious dealings with the Chinese, Ossoff would happily sell out Israel, Georgia and the USA. Why? He doesn’t owe his state much, since most of his funding came from California elites. No wonder the “investigative journalist” would curb the influence of Georgia by voting to give two senators to Puerto Rico and Washington, D.C.

There is much blame to be laid. Perdue and Loeffler were far from perfect candidates — and an erratic president with unhinged lawyers the last two months didn’t help — though rarely have we seen two more insincere nominees than Thomas Jon Ossoff and Raphael Gamaliel Warnock.


A.J. Kaufman
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A.J. Kaufman is an Alpha News columnist. His work has appeared in the Baltimore Sun, Florida Sun-Sentinel, Indianapolis Star, Israel National News, Orange County Register, St. Cloud Times, Star-Tribune, and across AIM Media Midwest and the Internet. Kaufman previously worked as a school teacher and military historian.