Last night’s Democratic Party Debate had a lot to offer. Here’s the rundown for how each candidate performed.
Beto O’Rourke, who has taken considerable heat for his outlandish rebukes of the 1st Amendment, clarified that AR-15 owners who wanted to keep their property would run into a government-mandated buyback to confiscate their firearms. However, Beto immediately backtracked and contradicted himself after the debate, saying, “I’m not going to confiscate AF-15s.”
Senator Cory Booker has been dwindling in the fundraising realm and attempted to make strides with the audience by using far-fetched rhetoric and emotional pleas. He called the closing of any Planned Parenthood an “existential threat in America,” a sickening irony for the 330,000+ abortions performed by the company each year.
Andrew Yang, whose self-proclaimed platform as “an Asian man running for president who wants to give everyone $1,000 a month,” is still trying to make his universal basic income plan popular while covering up the hidden, huge tax increases underneath.
Amy Klobuchar spoke up and took aim at Elizabeth Warren, labeling her health-care plan as a fantasy and unrealistic. “I appreciate Elizabeth’s work. The difference between a plan and a pipe dream is something that you can actually get done,” quipped the Minnesotan.
Julián Castro placed the blame on President Donald Trump for “caging kids” at the border while personally freeing terrorists of the ISIS.
After threatening to boycott tonight’s debate, Tulsi Gabbard decided to show up and tackle foreign policy.
Former Vice President Joe Biden has been constantly staving off scandals, gaffes, and allegations of corruption concerning his family. Biden’s performance last night was “all over the map,” as he fades from first place into the background of the standings.
Elizabeth Warren took on the most heat, signaling that the other presidential candidates view her, and not Joe Biden, as the front runner. On the one year anniversary of her scandal falsely claiming Native American heritage, Warren has refused to deny that her “Medicare For All” plan won’t exorbitantly raise taxes for the Middle Class.
After his heart attack at 78-years-old and campaign funds fading fast, Bernie Sanders continues to stick with far-left policies. As an added bonus, Minnesota Representative Ilhan Omar of “The Squad” has formally backed the Vermont Senator.
Kamala Harris had little to say besides trashing the President, striving to impeach him and ban his Twitter account.
Pete Buttigieg was praised by pundits for being the winner of last night’s debate, who said that he was taking some of the more progressive competitors to task on their far-fetched policies. Even Fox News said the Mayor of South Bend was a surprise winner of the debate, going toe to toe with Representative Tulsi Gabbard over President Trump’s decision to withdraw troops from northern Syria.
It’s almost certain that Democrats will have to make a choice between Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren. Tuesday night didn’t make the choice any easier.