Man Dies After Ingesting Aquarium Cleaner, Democrats Blame Trump

MPR and other media blamed President Trump for a couple who drank fish tank cleaner.

Source: AP Photo/Rick Bowmer

After a couple ingested a chemical meant for cleaning out fish tanks, they went to the hospital and the man died. They ingested the cleaner because it contained a chemical similar to the one Trump ordered the FDA to test for use against the Covid-19 virus.

Hydroxychloroquine is the name of the chemical treatment that can be prescribed by doctors to treat Covid-19. But recently, a couple who owned koi fish ingested a chemical with a similar name, chloroquine phosphate, and according to Banner Hospital, “Within thirty minutes of ingestion, the couple experienced immediate effects requiring admittance.” News sites such as The Grio, Buzzfeed and local MPR all have articles with headlines that put the blame on President Trump, one of the headlines read “Man dies after taking drug promoted by Trump to treat COVID-19”.

The drug is currently being tested by the FDA for use against the coronavirus, and has to be prescribed by a doctor. While the drug is considered safe when prescribed by the doctor in proper doses, fishtank cleaners contain many other chemicals that are not safe to ingest.

Judah Torgerud
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Judah Torgerud is a freelance journalist working with Alpha News to keep the people informed and bring the truth to light. Contact him at whqnu@nycunarjfza.pbz.