Minnesotans Can Expect 40% Increase in Electric Bill Under Renewable Energy Mandate Proposed by Governor Walz

On Mar. 12, the Center of the American Experiment released a report titled Doubling Down on Failure: How a 50 Percent by 2030 Renewable Energy Standard Would Cost Minnesota $80.2 Billion. The report highlight just how detrimental a renewable energy mandate would be not only for the economy but for the citizens of Minnesota.

A new study by Center of the American Experiment found the “50 percent renewables by 2030” mandate proposed by Governor Walz during the 2018 campaign would fail to achieve any measurable decrease in the global climate, while costing Minnesota families an additional $1,200 per year and destroying 20,950 jobs in the process.

The “100 percent carbon-free by 2050” mandate advocated by Gov. Walz last week, and heard this morning in the House Energy and Climate Committee, would increase those costs exponentially, again without measurable impact to the global climate.

John Hinderaker, President of the Center of the American Experiment, notes in Mar. 12 press conference that unveiled the report, that it is “completely transparent” as “the assumptions, the data, the calculations are all clearly set forth.”

The three authors of the report are Isaac Orr, Mitch Rolling, and John Phelan. They used their positions as policy fellow, researcher, and economist respectively to create this extensive report using statistics that were already publicly available, contributing to the transparency of the report. This report has been in the workings for a long time, well before Governor Tim Walz announced his plan for a 100% carbon-free electric state by 2050.

The 50 percent renewable energy standard by 2050 would hurt individual families greatly, especially those on fixed incomes or the 20 percent that reported having to forgo necessities like food to pay an energy bill. This standard would cost Minnesota families on average $375 more to use the same amount of electricity. Orr also emphasizes the weight of such a mandate by stating it would cost Edina Public Schools an extra $576,000 a year.

This mandate would not only cost Minnesota citizens their pay, but their positions as well. The report finds that 20,950 jobs would be destroyed by this 50 percent standard on renewable energy. Minnesotans under a policy such as this can also expect a state GDP reduction of $3.1 billion every year. All of this for a .0006° C aversion of temperature increase by 2100, as the report highlights.

The data in the report showed “only scenario where the money goes back into the pockets of consumers” is that of a continued utilization of our existing coal plans, Orr points out. The report by the Center of the American Experiment only solidifies the radical nature of a Minnesota Green New Deal, as proposed by Governor Walz.

Watch the Press Conference Below


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Megan Olson
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Megan Olson is a 2020 graduate of the University of Minnesota with degrees in political science and history. She works in public affairs in addition to serving on the Legislative Advisory Council for School District 196. She is also on the school board for FIT academy, a charter school in Apple Valley.