The head of Minnesota’s AFSCME Council 5—a large and overtly political labor union in the state—has been suspended pending an investigation of unidentified allegations, according to the Star Tribune.
Executive Director John Westmoreland was put on “temporary investigative leave” after the union’s executive board “learned of allegations” regarding Westmoreland and decided to conduct an investigation that will be lead by an “outside entity.”
Westmoreland could not be reached for comment by the Star Tribune.
Just like other government unions in the state, AFSCME Council 5 is not shy about its support of Minnesota’s Democratic politics. According to the Minnesota Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board, the union’s political fund spent almost $1.9 million in 2018 on state political races—overwhelmingly supporting one side of the political spectrum, despite this not reflecting the diverse political ideologies of its members.
Unions collectively bargain with elected officials who either get union money from the unions or elected officials who are threatened with union money if they pushback against the union’s agenda. That warps our electoral politics and corrupts the legislative process.
If AFSCME Council 5 does not reflect your voice nor support values and principles that matter to you, join us at EmployeeFreedomMN and find out how to exercise your freedom of choice regarding union membership.