New TV Ad Asks Collin Peterson To Oppose the Nancy Pelosi Drug Plan

American Action Network warns that in countries where government takeover of medicine was implemented patients wait a very long time for care and life-saving drugs are not always available.

Collin Peterson

Residents of the 7th Congressional District have begun to see a TV ad criticizing legislation pushed by Nancy Pelosi to increase government control over prescription medication.

While Collin Peterson has campaigned previously as a moderate he has not taken a position on H.R. 3 which the democrats are calling “The Lower Drug Costs Now Act of 2019”

Healthcare advocates are voicing concerns about the unprecedented exercise of raw government power over the healthcare system. The bill would establish a system in which the U.S. government will base the prices for life-saving medicine based on foreign governments.

American Action Network warns that in countries where government takeover of medicine was implemented patients wait a very long time for care and life-saving drugs are not always available.

Heritage Foundation points out that

Of new active substances introduced between 2011 and 2018, 89% are available to Americans, compared with 62% in Germany and 60% in the United Kingdom. One-half or more of these new therapies are unavailable to Australian, Canadian, French, and Japanese patients.

Collin Peterson represents what is considered the most Pro-Trump district held by a Democrat. It is currently rated as “toss-up”


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