Omar doubles down on ‘dismantling’ Minneapolis Police Department

Last summer, she called MPD “rotten” and said the system cannot be “reformed.”

Rep. Ilhan Omar (Fibonacci Blue/Flickr)

Rep. Ilhan Omar reinforced in a recent interview on MSNBC that she supports “reimagining” and eventually “dismantling” the Minneapolis Police Department altogether.

“Reimagining is the process they are going through, but ultimately the Minneapolis Police Department, in that process, would be dismantled,” Omar said.

She explained that multiple ballot initiatives are underway to replace MPD with a new Department of Public Safety. According to Omar, law enforcement officers would still respond to homicides and rapes while “other resources” would be put in place for “regular safety measures.”

“We have a couple of charter amendments … to try to think about what different departments need to be constituted in order for there to be law enforcement people who deal with homicides, rapes, robberies, and the such, and then where there are other resources for the kind of regular safety measures the community needs,” Omar said.

Minneapolis is in the process of “reconstructing different law enforcement and safety departments for our city,” she added.

Last summer, she called MPD “rotten” and said the system cannot be “reformed.”

“It’s time to disband them and reimagine public safety in Minneapolis,” Omar tweeted then.

She claimed earlier this year that police are “unwilling to work,” and that is why MPD numbers are down. In reality, one of the reasons MPD has fewer cops on duty is because so many are out on PTSD claims.

“The police are just refusing to come to work,” Omar tweeted.

Her daughter is also apparently anti-police, as she tweeted out a photo of her wearing a necklace proclaiming “f– the police” and “BLM.”


Rose Williams

Rose Williams is an assistant editor for Alpha News.