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Taxpayer watchdogs challenge incumbents in South Washington County School Board election

District 833 renewed a $4.6 million levy back in 2013 and added $6.9 million in new spending at the same time. Now another $10 million tax levy increase and $143 million in new borrowing is on the table.

Is Jason Lewis Running for Congress?

In an interview with Alpha News Jason Lewis addresses the rumors that he may be running for Congress...

Why would Minnesota bring the World’s Fair to the U.S.?

Who wants the World's Fair in Minnesota, and what will it cost the taxpayers? Politicians and civic leaders took a trip to Milan last month to check out the exposition.

Alpha News Interview – Andy Aplikowski – “I’m Not Going To Be That Kind...

Andy Aplikowski is one of many candidates vying for Senator Branden Petersen's recently vacated seat in Senate District 35.

CAIR wants Islamophobia training in St. Cloud

The Council of American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has been putting on the pressure in St. Cloud for the city to do more to combat negative stereotypes about Muslim residents. They also want to partner with the school district to provide training opportunities to school staff. Who will profit?

Taxpayer-funded playground consultants

Edina Public Schools has hired a non-profit company to oversee recess at two elementary schools. Is taxpayer-funded structured recess coming to a school near you?

Do People at UMN Care About The Fetal Tissue Scandal?

Alpha News talks with people on the U of M campus about Planned Parenthood and the University's possible involvement with the controversy...

“Vote Yes Tonka” spending big bucks, but where’s it coming from?

$17,509 buys a lot of mailings and campaign work, unfortunately for the residents of the school district, they have no idea where the money is coming from to raise their tax bills.


The possible sale of fetal tissue has created controversy since July, when an organization called The Center for Medical Progress (CMP) started releasing undercover videos...

NEW EVIDENCE: Do Minnesota Abortion Clinics Sell Body Parts?

Governor Dayton has acknowledged "credible implications" of Planned Parenthood in other states, will he acknowledge evidence in his own state that may indicate the buying and selling of fetal body parts?