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Speaker John Boehner Steps Down

Speaker John Boehner announced to staff Friday morning that he will be stepping down from his position as Speaker of The House

More Somali daycare fraud in Minnesota, could abuse have been prevented?

How did a former taxi-cab driver and short-term halal grocery store operator, with long list of court cases, get licensed to operate a daycare center? And how was the center allowed to still operate after the fraud was discovered?

Will The Working Families Agenda Actually Hurt Working Families?

The Working Families Agenda in Minneapolis is pushing for changes to help low-income workers, but some fear these changes will actually hurt families by costing more jobs.

Million-dollar buses for Duluth

It will cost taxpayers $7.5 million to purchase six electric buses and charging stations in Duluth. The technology promises to save money in the long run.

Muslim teen boxer fights to wear Islamic-garb in Duluth Tourney

A 15-year-old girl from Oakdale, Minnesota wants to fight in a boxing tournament that begins tomorrow in Duluth. She hasn't registered, but that hasn't stopped her from working with CAIR to change the rules and allow her to fight in Islamic-attire.

Can you say Lake Bde Maka Ska?

The majority of members of a Minneapolis community advisory board want the name of Lake Calhoun changed back to it's Sioux name from over 200 years ago. Could it happen?

Minnetonka schools seek higher taxes, 1/3 of students open-enroll

Minnetonka says it needs more money from property tax payers, but 1/3 of the kids who go to school there have parents who don't pay property taxes in the district. $200 million+ tax hike to replace expiring levies will be on the ballot November 3rd.

Southwest Light Rail Controversy

Alpha News covers the changing plans for the Southwest Light Rail and the reactions of the citizens who will pay for it...

Minnesota Capitol sculpture may have “Liberty” language removed

The Art Subcomittee of the Minnesota Capitol Restoration project may alter the most prominent piece of artwork in the Minnesota House of Representatives Chamber. They'll also decide whether paintings, that have been in place since the building's 1905 opening, will make the cut.

Reactions to the 2nd GOP Debate

Wednesday evening millions of Americans gathered to watch the second Republican Presidential Debate – but did the debate change the minds of voters or address the issues they care about the most? Alpha news attended the debate watch party in New Hope hosted by the 5th congressional district republicans. We asked several attendees how they felt about the candidates both before, and after the debate.