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MyPillow Starts Making Free Masks For Hospitals Amidst COVID-19

Mike Lindell announced that his Minnesota-based company, MyPillow, has started making face masks to be donated to hospitals nationwide. Masks and respirators have become sacarse...

Minnesota restaurants seeking to do to-go sales of alcohol amid shutdown

Restaurants have been among the hardest hit businesses due to lockdowns which many states have put in place. Some states have however  taken steps...

Mpls Police Post Tips for Businesses to Prevent Burglary, Robbery and Looting Amid COVID-19...

The Minneapolis Police Department sent out a list of tips this week for businesses to avoid becoming victims of crime if they’ve been impacted...

Minnesota Under Shelter In Place Order, Extended Business Closures

Minnesota Governor Tim Walz rolled out shelter in place policies and extended business shutdowns in the name of COVID-19 mitigation, Wednesday afternoon. Effective Friday, March...

Domestic Violence Hotline Calls, Events Increase In Nashville, Seattle Amid Coronavirus Quarantine

Domestic Violence Hotline calls increased in Nashville while domestic violence arguments increased in Seattle amid coronavirus quarantines. The Seattle Police Department reported a 23% increase...

Target Dedicates $300m To Workers Amid Coronavirus Outbreak

Target, a Minnesota-based company, has decided to give $300,000,000 to its staff in addition to normal wages to support its workers during the COVID-19...

Walz Extends School And Business Closures Indefinitely

Governor Walz announced indefinite closure of all schools, restaurants and other entertainment venues, Tuesday. Walz originally announced school closures on March 15 and mandated the...

Chutzpah: ADL Wants a Federal Bailout

When I think of "essential" workers in America, the smear merchants of the Anti-Defamation League are at the bottom of the barrel. For decades,...

Edina Authorities Seek to ID Cub Foods Robbery Suspects

The City of Edina is looking to identify two suspects who robbed a Cub Foods store earlier this month. The city posted on their Facebook...

Vikings Player Donates Over 80,000 Meals To Those Affected By COVID-19

Minnesota Vikings tight end, Kyle Rudolph, made a personal donation to provide over 80,000 meals to those affected by COVID-19 in his state. Kyle and...