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Man Dies After Ingesting Aquarium Cleaner, Democrats Blame Trump

After a couple ingested a chemical meant for cleaning out fish tanks, they went to the hospital and the man died. They ingested the...
Waseca Police Department

Minnesotan Police Officer Recovering After Being Shot

Officer Arik Matson, a Minnesotan police officer who survived a shot to the head during the line of duty, is recovering, with his speech...

MyPillow Founder Will Likely Run For Minnesota Governor in 2022

Mike Lindell, a Minnesota business mogul and outspoken supporter of President Donald Trump announced his desire to run for governor in 2022. Lindell appeared on...

Star Tribune Was Refusing to Run Ad Warning of Economic Consequences of Walz’s Coronavirus...

The Star Tribune initially refused to run an advertisement in its print edition that was critical of Gov. Tim Walz’s “severe reactions” to the...

Ilhan Omar Is Demanding A Freeze On Deportations

Democratic Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar is leading the call for a complete freeze on immigration enforcement measures across the country, citing the coronavirus pandemic...

Crystal Police Department’s K9 Leo to Get Donation of Body Armor

The Crystal Police Department announced this week that their K9 officer “Leo” will receive a bullet and stab protective vest thanks to a charitable...

Minnesota Senate follows House, passes $330 million bill funding coronavirus response

(The Center Square) – The Minnesota Senate unanimously passed a $330 million bill funding the state's response to the coronavirus, hours after the House...

MN Corrections Commissioner Considers Early Release of Felons from Prisons

The Minnesota Commissioner of Corrections is exploring ways to release felony-level prisoners from facilities across the state of Minnesota amid concerns over the spread...

Larry Elder: Rapper Ice Cube, Who Benefited From School Choice, Denounces Trump, Who Supports...

Rapper and actor O'Shea Jackson, commonly known as Ice Cube, supported President Donald Trump's impeachment and removal from office. Cube recently said he "can't...

Pro-lifers thank Trump for blocking Dem push to fund abortion in coronavirus bill

WASHINGTON, D.C., (LifeSiteNews) – Pro-life Americans are breathing a sigh of relief after an attempt by Democrat Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi to...