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‘Seeking Solace’: Largest Catholic Church In North America Sees Increase In Attendance During Coronavirus...

The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception will remain open “as long as we are permitted by government authorities,” the rector...

Senate Majority Leader Gazelka Supports Trump’s Call To Prayer Amid COVID-19 Outbreak

Minnesota Senate Republican Majority Leader Paul Gazelka voiced his approval, Saturday, for a day of prayer declared by President Donald Trump. Shortly after announcing a...

Jim Hagedorn: ‘Medicare for All … Is Going to Destroy the Quality of Medicine,’

Rep. Jim Hagedorn, R-Minn., is passionate about health care policy. His state is home to the headquarters of the Mayo Clinic, which he calls...

Prager U Mini-Documentary: Fleeing California

Why are millions of people leaving California and moving to other states? What do those states have that California doesn’t? PragerU’s first mini-documentary explores...

Rising Cost of MN Rent Has 200,000+ Receiving Federal Rental Assistance

Over 200,000 Minnesotans receive federal rental assistance, according to data from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. The 200,600 citizens benefiting from rent assistance...

House Passes Coronavirus Bill That Provides Free Testing, Sick Leave Benefits

The House voted overwhelmingly early Saturday morning to pass a bill that provides coronavirus testing at no cost to patients, and extends paid sick...

MNGOP Secretary Barbara Sutter is Running for RNC National Committeewoman

Barbara Sutter has been a long-time GOP activist and even a legislative candidate in 2014. Currently, Barb is the MNGOP Secretary and serves as ...

Kendall Qualls Opposes Dean Phillips’ Vote to Harm Small Business Communities in Minnesota

Kendall Qualls – who is running as the Republican candidate for Congress in Minnesota’s Third Congressional District – is a U.S. Army Veteran, healthcare...

Mayo Clinic Develops Covid-19 Test

Mayo Clinic in Rochester MN has developed its own test for Covid-19, commonly known as Coronavirus. Mayo Laboratory President William Morice II Ph.D., M.D.,...

Saint Paul Teachers End Strike

Minnesota Teachers in Saint Paul were on strike from March 10th to March 13th. They announced their intentions beforehand to both warn parents to...