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President Trump Endorses Michelle Fischbach in Minnesota’s 7th Congressional District Race

Michelle Fischbach used to be the former Lt. Governor of Minnesota and has led the Minnesota Senate for decades. And now she’s running for...

Bills Restricting Gun Rights Pass in MN House but Unlikely to Get Traction in...

Legislation tightening restriction of access and opportunities to own firearms is gaining momentum from recent mass shootings and leverage from the media. On Thursday...

Days after Felony Charges Dismissed in Brutal Assault Case, Suspect Facing New Felony Charges...

Abdifatah Abdinasir Sugule was accused in Oct. 2018 of attacking a Coon Rapids woman with a frying pan, then punching and stabbing her after...

Michelle Malkin: A Nation of Immigrants

Michelle Malkin explains how ill-conceived immigration policies threaten to destroy the American Dream for everyone. “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning...

Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis Seminar: ‘Gender ideology’ spreads false idea of human...

In a culture where public school policies are increasingly pushing parents out of important conversations about their child’s sexual identity and gender expression, Catholic...

What Buttigieg Dropping Out Means for Minnesota

Pete Buttigieg, former mayor of Southbend, Indiana, announced that he is suspending his presidential campaign on Sunday. Buttigieg did well in Iowa and New...

Report: DHS improper payments could be up to $28 million

The Department of Human Services (DHS), which runs Minnesota's Medicaid program, made up to $28.9 million in improper payments to managed care organizations between...

What Bernie Fans Should Know About the Ideology of Socialism

Bernie Sanders has done it again. In an age when old, rich, white men are heavily maligned by the Left, it’s rather remarkable that Sanders...

Bloomberg Silent as Sanders, Warren, and Klobuchar Support Minnesota #RedforEd Strike

The #RedforEd movement took another step forward last week in its efforts to politicize the 2020 presidential election when the 3,600 members of the St. Paul...

Gutknecht: Taxing the Rich?

Michael Bloomberg said something the other night that raised eyebrows. In a slip, he reminded faithful Democrats that he had paid his dues. Bragging...