Incoming House Speaker Melissa Hortman is ready to make the right to possess a firearm a major issue in the next few months.
“Right now, they care an awful lot about gun violence prevention,” incoming House Speaker Melissa Hortman said of suburban voters.
Some of the proposals include “red flag” laws which allow the Government to suspend the constitutional right to possess a firearm without giving the citizen due process.
In a surprise move, Associated Press reports that Republican Majority Leader Paul Gazelka is not taking a strong stance on this issue, telling the Associated Press “there has been some openness.”
In 2016, Gazelka was endorsed by the National Rifle Association and received a score of 93% on their scorecard. Gazelka also in 2016 received the endorsement of Minnesota Gun Owner Caucus.
Recent comments from Gazelka have drawn criticism from conservative activists. Jake Duesenberg who is President of a conservative action group Action 4 Liberty recently posted on Facebook “I seriously do not understand Gazelka. How about saying “not a chance” or “dead on arrival”?!”
Gazelka responded to some of the criticism via his official twitter account
I have always been a strong supporter of 2nd amendment rights,my lifetime rating on guns is A+ or A. I’m open to discussing changes but it will have to pass a high bar. A few GOP want more gun restrictions,a few Dems don’t want more restrictions. We shall see what happens.
— Paul Gazelka (@paulgazelka) December 18, 2018
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