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Tag: Congress

Biden signs short-term funding bill to avoid government shutdown

(Daily Caller News Foundation) -- President Joe Biden signed a 45-day government funding bill into law late Saturday, narrowly avoiding the first federal shutdown...

McCarthy critics float Tom Emmer as replacement, report says

(Daily Caller News Foundation) -- Some House Republicans who have clashed with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy on questions of government spending have been debating...

Emmer introduces legislation to prevent Fed from issuing central bank digital...

U.S. Rep. Tom Emmer has reintroduced legislation that would ban the Federal Reserve from issuing a central bank digital currency (CBDC), which the majority...

‘Squad’ members who advocated to defund the police spent over $1...

(Daily Caller News Foundation) -- Democratic members of Congress known as the “Squad” have spent roughly $1.2 million in campaign funds on private security...

Congressional pet projects — earmarks — cost taxpayers $16 billion in...

(RealClearWire) — In 2021, earmarks returned to Congress. The practice was banned for a decade due to its tendency to fuel corruption, but has...

House Republicans investigate foreign funding to influence elections

(The Center Square) -- House Republicans have launched an inquiry into whether foreign actors are funneling money through nonprofit groups to influence America’s elections. House...

‘Wake-up call’: Top credit agency downgrades U.S. rating

(The Center Square) -- One of the top international credit rating agencies has downgraded the United States government’s credit rating from the highest level...

‘Barbaric pseudoscience’: Detransitioner makes powerful plea to end child ‘sex changes’

(LifeSiteNews) — The formerly gender-confused, now outspoken “detransitioner” Chloe Cole made a powerful plea before lawmakers to stop the “barbaric” sex “transitions” of children. Cole shared before...

Ilhan Omar: ‘No way in hell I am attending’ event commemorating...

U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar took to social media on Wednesday and announced “there is no way in hell” she will attend a joint address to...

Republican Tayler Rahm enters CD2 race 

Attorney Tayler Rahm announced his candidacy for Minnesota’s Second Congressional District this week. “The American dream is still alive and it’s worth fighting for,” the...