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Tag: Congress

The Race Against Peterson is Heating Up

DETROIT LAKES, Minn. -- Minnesotans are more than a year out before the next big election in 2018, but that is not stopping two...

Could Minnesota Lose A Congressional Seat?

ST. PAUL, Minn. - Amid reports of lagging population growth, some analysts now worry Minnesota could lose a congressional seat in 2020. States are granted...

MN Senate Puts Party Aside on Web Privacy

ST. PAUL, Minn. -- A new bill, proposed and passed by the Republican majority in Congress allows internet companies to monetize search histories. The bill,...

Democrats Refuse to Stand for Fallen Hero’s Tribute

Minnesota Representative Keith Ellison joins other Democrat leaders in refusing to honor fallen Navy Seal and his widow. Updated 1:20pm, March 2, 2017 WASHINGTON, DC -...

MN Congressman Takes Another Shot At Repealing Law

WASHINGTON D.C. -- Congressman Erik Paulsen (R-MN) has renewed efforts to repeal the medical device tax. The tax was introduced as part of President Obama’s...

MN Congressman Creates Judicial Selection Committee

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Republican Congressman Erik Paulsen (MN-3) has created a judicial selection committee to vet potential candidates for President-elect Donald Trump. The candidates...

Dibble to Run if Ellison Steps Down

Congressman Keith Ellison has his eye on becoming the DNC Chairman, and as Alpha News reported, has said that he will leave congress if...

Does Rep. Keith Ellison Have Ties to Radical Islam?

On the same day of the gun and bombing attack on the Ataturk International Airport in Istanbul, Turkey that killed at least 41 and wounded...

MN Representatives: Gun Ownership – “Good for Me, But Not for...

On June 22, 2016, Congressional Democrats held a 25 hour "sit-in" in an attempt to force the House of Representatives to vote on gun...