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Tag: Education Minnesota

Kaufman: Teachers union forces governor to lock most Minnesota students out

Gov. Tim Walz offered a “Safe Learning Plan” Thursday afternoon to help Minnesota students and teachers finally return to classrooms. The former teacher calls...

Saint Paul Teachers End Strike

Minnesota Teachers in Saint Paul were on strike from March 10th to March 13th. They announced their intentions beforehand to both warn parents to...

Bloomberg Silent as Sanders, Warren, and Klobuchar Support Minnesota #RedforEd Strike

The #RedforEd movement took another step forward last week in its efforts to politicize the 2020 presidential election when the 3,600 members of the St. Paul...

Rochester Teachers Receive Backlash from Vulgar Signs Used at MN Capitol

The group quickly came under fire on social media for their signage, which featured sayings including “F U Carla” standing for “Fund Us Carla”...

Education Minnesota Remain Sponsors of Anti-Semitic Women’s March

In light of concerns of anti-semitism stemming from the National Women’s March leaders, the annual march still took place around the nation. Tamika Mallory,...

Local Student Exposes Anti-Trump Propaganda

ROSEMOUNT, Minn. – Local high school student Tarra Snyder went viral earlier this month after posting photos of a new, anti-Trump American history textbook. The...

Eagan Parents Concerned About Lack of Security

EAGAN, Minn. – Parents of students attending public schools in Eagan are concerned for the safety of their children following the district’s handling of...

House Republicans Pass Legislation To Give Local Schools More Control Over...

ST. PAUL, Minn - The Minnesota House of Representatives passed legislation last week giving local schools more control over policies regarding teacher layoffs. HF 1478, which...

STOP BOLD COLD – Opposition Group to Stillwater Schools ISD 834...

After passing an operating levy in 2013 and a building bond in 2015, Stillwater Schools ISD 833 is proposing to close three elementary schools. A parent group, "STOP BOLD COLD," has formed to oppose the district's plans.