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Tag: socialism

What Bernie Fans Should Know About the Ideology of Socialism

Bernie Sanders has done it again. In an age when old, rich, white men are heavily maligned by the Left, it’s rather remarkable that Sanders...

VIDEO: Mike Bloomberg Slams Young People For Supporting Democratic Socialism

Democratic presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg said young people during the 2016 election didn’t learn enough civics or history in school to have a good...

Poll: 59% of Americans Have Favorable Views of Capitalism; 59% Have...

The Cato 2019 Welfare, Work, and Wealth National Survey finds that Americans continue to have more favorable attitudes toward “capitalism” than “socialism.” However, groups vary...

All Democratic Presidential Candidates Embrace Socialism During Climate Townhall

During CNN’s Presidential town hall, the 2020 candidates unanimously leaned further into Socialist policies.  76-year-old Political veteran Joe Biden stated the Green New Deal “doesn’t...

Thoughts from a hipster coffee shop…

I’m sitting in a small coffee shop near Nokomis trying to think of what to write about. I scroll through my newsfeed on my...

Former Navy Seal Suggests 3 Reasons Young People Are Buying into...

Recently Texas congressman and general uber-mensch Dan Crenshaw made an appearance on a Sunday talk show.   After arm-wrestling and talking for a long time about the former...

11 Economic Stats That Tell Venezuela’s Story

A tragedy common to human history is unfolding in Venezuela. It’s impossible to predict how it will end or what the human toll will...

Rep. Omar Traveled With Anti-United States Group that Supports Socialism and...

In recent tweets, Rep. Omar has previously advocated for the protection of socialist Venezuela and has a long history of anti-semitism. Now, it has...

If Capitalism Is Theft, What Is Socialism

I had an interesting conversation a few days ago at the Edina Grille on France Avenue in Edina, MN.  I arrived as they opened...