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Tag: Tim Walz

GOP steps up attacks on Walz for ‘disastrous’ energy policies

In light of predicted power shortages across 15 U.S. states, Minnesota Republicans are ramping up their criticism of Democratic Gov. Tim Walz over his...

Supreme Court rules restaurant’s lawsuit against Walz wrongfully dismissed by lower...

A 2020 lawsuit against the governor’s COVID-19 shutdowns remains alive after the Minnesota Supreme Court sided with a restaurant owner. Last month, the Minnesota Supreme...

School choice: A different kind of ‘social justice,’ suggests Matt Birk,...

With the governor’s race in a statistical tie between Democrat Gov. Tim Walz and Republican candidate Dr. Scott Jensen, Republicans are employing an outside-the-box...

Lawsuit challenges Walz’s adoption of clean car rules

Minnesota car dealers are suing a state agency over its adoption of a rule requiring automakers to supply the market with more low- and...

Nearly 80% of Minnesotans think America is on the wrong track 

A new poll shows that a whopping 79% of Minnesotans think the nation is moving in the wrong direction as they struggle with record...

Minnesota gas prices hit record high for second straight day 

Gas prices in Minnesota have reached record highs for two consecutive days, according to data from AAA. Average prices reached $4.33 per gallon Wednesday, breaking...

Minnesota landlord says the state ‘stole’ her property during eviction moratorium

A Minnesota landlord recently spoke out about the tens of thousands of dollars she lost due to the governor’s eviction moratorium during COVID-19. In a...

EXCLUSIVE: Walz policies prevented landlords from evicting tenants who piled feces...

Some Minnesota landlords are blasting Gov. Tim Walz and his eviction moratorium for costing them more than $100,000 to repair the mess some tenants...

Walz endorses ranked choice voting

Gov. Tim Walz made an appearance at a rally last week in support of ranked choice voting (RCV) and other reforms purported to "safeguard...

Commentary: Minnesota is soft on crime and Democrats want to make...

There are not too many people in Minnesota prisons; there are too few. Consider that in 2019 there were 12,509 reported violent crimes in Minnesota:...