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Another Trump Rally Threatened by Violent Antifa Groups

ST PAUL, Minn. - A rally scheduled for Saturday at the Minnesota State Capitol intended to “celebrate President Trump’s First 100 Days Triumph,” is...

Protecting Civil Discourse Rally

ST. PAUL, Minn. - A group of Trump supporters outraged by the attacks by protesters at the March 4 Trump rally are planning an...

Minneapolis Mayor Betsy Hodges Receives Franken’s Endorsement

MINNEAPOLIS, MN - Senator Al Franken has endorsed Betsy Hodges for re-election as Minneapolis Mayor.  Hodges’ campaign announced the endorsement with a press release...

17 Year Old Trump Supporter Punched in Face by Protester

It scared me more than anything. I didn’t think I was gonna get hit – I’m just this little girl... SAINT PAUL, MN -  As...

Tim Kaine’s Son Among Those Arrested During Protest

SAINT PAUL, MN - Linwood, “Woody,” Kaine, son of Hillary Clinton’s running-mate, Tim Kaine, was among the six people arrested for rioting at the...

Democrats Refuse to Stand for Fallen Hero’s Tribute

Minnesota Representative Keith Ellison joins other Democrat leaders in refusing to honor fallen Navy Seal and his widow. Updated 1:20pm, March 2, 2017 WASHINGTON, DC -...

Pro- and Anti-Trump Rallies Planned for Minnesota March 4

SAINT PAUL, MN -  Rallies, protests, and marches against President Donald Trump have been regular events since he was elected as the 45th President...

President Trump: American Steel for Pipelines or No Pipelines At All

WASHINGTON, DC - Thousands of conservative activists, college students, politicians and media converged upon the Garylord National Resort and Conference Center at National Harbor...

Court Suspension of Immigration Ban Allows Resettlement of 140 Somali Refugees

SAINT PAUL, MINN - 140 Somali refugees, left in limbo after President Trump signed a controversial executive order suspending refugee immigration, have arrived to be...

Local Impacts of “A Day Without Immigrants” Strike

Minneapolis Public Schools plan for staff and student absences; restaurants close in solidarity with "A Day Without Immigrants and Refugees" protests. MINNEAPOLIS, Minn - Thursday,...