SAINT PAUL, MN – Rallies, protests, and marches against President Donald Trump have been regular events since he was elected as the 45th President of the United States. Saturday, March 4, will be no different, with many events planned as protests and support for President Trump.
March 4 Trump events are happening in cities nationwide, with the main event starting at noon at the Washington Monument in Washington D.C. and ending at the White House. According to the March 4 Trump press release, the idea came to Air Force Veteran Vince Haney after the inauguration. Haney said he was inspired to do something supportive for Trump “to offset the wave of negativity and lies” being propagated during the protests following the inauguration. He believed it was important to have an event that didn’t involve violence, derogatory costumes, or vandalism, as he had seen in numerous post-inauguration protests. Haney said March 4 Trump also plans to “leave DC in a better place than they found it.”
A Minnesota March 4 Trump Rally (not affiliated with the national March4Trump organization) will be held on Saturday at the Minnesota Capitol rotunda from 12pm-4pm. The press release posted on the group’s Facebook page states:
Together Americans, in cities across the Nation, are gathering to Unite in a peaceful rally in support of President Trump and his administration.
Speakers and talent may include, although not limited to Natalie Cromwell, singer/songwriter, Dave Gibson, Pastor, International Missions, MN lawmakers, Cindy Pugh, Kathy Lohmer, former Sen. Michele Bachman. Others, Ruthie Hendrickson, Chris Fields, Red Bartholomew.
*Disclaimer: This is a peaceful rally, Protesters may be subject to security and law enforcement as may be indicated. This event is not associated with any political party, campaign or organization.
A countermarch has also been organized: Make Racists Afraid Again is scheduled to run at the same time as the March 4 Trump rally in St. Paul.
The counter-march is being lead by Students for a Democratic Society, The Twin Cities Coalition for Justice (Twin Cities Coalition for Justice 4 Jamar), The Minnesota Immigrants Rights Action Committee (MIRAc) No More Deportations Campaign – Minnesota, Filipinos for Immigrant Rights in Minnesota – FIRM, and Anti-War Committee.
The Make Racists Afraid Again organizers explain the reason for the counter-protest on their event page:
“White Supremacists are coming out of the shadows and organizing more openly. Join SDS on March 4th to send them packing, to make racists afraid again, by counter-protesting the Minnesota March 4 Trump.
The movement against Trump is gaining steam nationally with increased militance. SDS sees this increased militancy as a good thing and want to encourage this development in Minnesota too. A diversity of tactics is needed in bringing forth a better world, and people should engage how they see fit.
*Please bring noisemakers to help drown out the hate speech and alternative facts of the alt-right*”
The Make Racists Afraid Again and March 4 Trump rallies are not the only demonstrations planned for March 4.
Stop Trump’s War on Women is a protest scheduled from 1pm-4pm at the Government Plaza in Minneapolis. It is described as a protest against “Trump’s sexist, racist and anti-worker agenda,” and is organized by Socialist Alternative MN.
RESISdance! is another organization with a protest scheduled for Saturday. The event will be held at the south plaza of the Hennepin County Government Center in Minneapolis. The Facebook event announcement describes the demonstration as:
“RESISdance! will be part rally,
part dance party (music by RARE Productions),
part 60’s style happening,
part art-making fest,
part strategizing session on how we
keep moving toward the world we want
resist what’s happening.
Bring an old fashioned boom box, one with a working radio, to be part of the sound system!
Bring environmentally friendly art materials!
Bring your dancing shoes, and your willingness to connect to others.
Be prepared to dance, to listen and talk, to stand silently, to sing, to make art, to strategize and share strategies.”
No matter where Minnesotans stand politically, there is no shortage of events for everyone.