Trump to Chris Wallace: ‘I guess I’m debating you’

“I love Chris Wallace but he should get out of the way.”


It didn’t take long for President Donald Trump to express his displeasure with debate moderator Chris Wallace Tuesday night. 

“I’m the moderator of this debate, and I would like you to let me ask my question, and then you can answer,” Wallace said about 15 minutes into the debate. 

“In the last three years you have never come up with a comprehensive plan to replace ObamaCare and just this last Thursday you signed a largely symbolic executive order to protect people with pre-existing conditions five days before this debate. So my question is, sir, what is the Trump health care plan?” Wallace proceeded to ask. 

“First of all, I guess I’m debating you, not him,” Trump replied. “But that’s okay. I’m not surprised.” 

Wallace, a Fox News anchor, faced a wave of criticism throughout the debate, including from some of his Fox News colleagues. Many believed that he was going easy on former Vice President Joe Biden and coming to Biden’s aid when faced with tough questions from the president. 

“I love Chris Wallace but he should get out of the way,” said Andy McCarthy, a Fox News contributor. 

“Why is Joe Biden allowed to interrupt? Donald Trump is not,” added “Fox & Friends” host Brian Kilmeade. 

Here’s what others thought of Wallace’s performance: 



Anthony Gockowski
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Anthony Gockowski is Editor-in-Chief of Alpha News. He previously worked as an editor for The Minnesota Sun and Campus Reform, and wrote for the Daily Caller.