With Primaries Over Minnesota Voters Brace For November

“The proof is in the pudding. Minnesotans have thrived under President Trump’s administration, and the thought of the socialist Democrats’ regressive policies had them running to the polls. President Trump’s growing support is just another sign that Minnesotans will gladly flip their State in November.”

via Minnesota Sun

Joe Biden defeated Bernie Sanders by winning the Minnesota Democrat Primary Caucus. A late surge of support spurred by the endorsement of the Democratic Establishment, including Senator Amy Klobuchar, was just enough to defeat Bernie Sanders, who carried the State in 2016 over rival Hillary Clinton.

In the 1984 presidential election, Minnesota was the only state that didn’t vote for the Republican candidate Ronald Reagan and instead opted for Walter Mondale. While Mondale won his home state, it was not by much and Reagan still won 67 of the 87 counties. While Minnesota has been considered a solid Democrat State in Presidential politics, in the most recent election, Minnesota voted 46.4% Democrat and 44.9% Republican, showing a close margin and that the State could potentially be a battleground this election. Under the leadership of President Trump, Republicans have made progress winning over parts of greater Minnesota that were motivated by the President’s populist message on Immigration, Trade, and social issues.

The reliably Democrat-friendly mainstream media including the largest Minnesota newspaper Star Tribune lost their stranglehold on the frame of information and the President openly used social media to post a meme against one of the largest media titans.

The Republicans still remain a cultural underdog in Minnesota. The left has continued to blame the rise of Nationalism and Populism on “trolls”, “Russian bots”, or spreaders of “fake news”. However, as the Democrat party turns left on every major issue, the political climate continues to change.

All indications show that President Trump will invest heavily in Minnesota. The campaign sees a path continuing to align with working-class people in greater Minnesota and take advantage of an improving economy in the suburbs.

RNC spokesperson Preya Samsundar expressed optimism about Republicans finally winning in Minnesota saying, “The proof is in the pudding. Minnesotans have thrived under President Trump’s administration, and the thought of the socialist Democrats’ regressive policies had them running to the polls. President Trump’s growing support is just another sign that Minnesotans will gladly flip their State in November.”

Judah Torgerud
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Judah Torgerud is a freelance journalist working with Alpha News to keep the people informed and bring the truth to light. Contact him at whqnu@nycunarjfza.pbz.