A time for choosing: Masks or freedom?

It is time for every forcibly-masked American to make a choice.

I’ve often heard the face mask referred to as a “silly thing.” It’s not silly. The mask, when mandated by government, is a serious affront to the liberties of a free people. 

Alecia Kitts knows this from personal experience. Just this week, she was arrested while sitting outside, mask-free, in the stands with her family at her son’s seventh-grade football game in Logan, Ohio. When she refused to go quietly with the police, she was tased — the video shows the officer putting the taser in the middle of her back and pulling the trigger —as those nearby reacted in horror. The family, including two young children, was sitting socially distanced from others in a sparsely attended section. 

The video shows the officer who arrived late on the scene also did not have a mask on, only belatedly pulling it out of her pocket and putting it on as she accompanied the other officers removing Alecia Kitts from the stadium. Ms. Kitts was charged with criminal trespass. 

According to the Daily Mail, Hocking County, which includes the town of Logan, has had nine COVID-19 deaths. In contrast, in 2018, Hocking County had about 16 flu and pneumonia deaths, but did not impose any lockdown or mask mandate.

As President Ronald Reagan once said, “It is a time for choosing.” How long will you continue to submit to the mask mandate?

Many experts have publicly stated that face masks, except for perhaps the N95 mask, are worthless against viruses. That means any virus, including COVID-19. 

It’s also a time for lawsuits, and if those fail — U.S. District Court Judge Patrick Schiltz just signaled his support for maintaining Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz’s mask mandate — perhaps it’s time for a stronger public response. What might that be? Will Americans follow the Canadians? On Sept. 12, 100,000 Canadians marched in Montreal to protest Ottawa’s imposition of COVID-19 restrictions, including the mask. Organizers said they marched for freedom.

The mask is a visible sign of oppression. Governors and government officials are forcing Americans to put a barrier between them and the air they breathe, or risk being fined, tased, or jailed. This is not how a constitutional republic, of, by, and for the people works. The government is elected to govern by the people’s consent, not quash people’s rights by dictatorial rule.  

If the mask mandate is allowed to stand as a legitimate use of government power, government officials will be able to claim they can require all of us to do anything in the name of “public health” — far into the future. This is not freedom. We are losing our constitutional republic.

Be the voice and face of freedom. Stand up and stand out. It may not yet be possible to have “face freedom” at work, where employers and employees must comply with the government mask mandate. But almost everywhere else, you have a choice. Will you eat in, entertain family and friends at home, spend time outside, shop online, choose not to fly? Freedom has a cost. It is time for every forcibly-masked American to make a choice. What will you choose?  

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Twila Brase, RN, PHN, is president and co-founder of Citizens’ Council for Health Freedom. CCHF includes important facts on their FaceFreedom.org web page, and asks Americans to post smiling faces in social media every Friday with hashtags #FaceFreedom and #FaceFreedomFriday.


Twila Brase

Twila Brase, RN, PHN, is president and co-founder of Citizens’ Council for Health Freedom, a national, patient-centered, privacy-focused, non-partisan organization located in St. Paul, Minnesota since 1998.